Narrowed the choice to three...HELP!


Well-Known Member
First outdoor grow and I have narrowed it down to three that the store has in stock and was hoping for some advice! Gnomo by Kannabia, Easy Rider by Joint Doctor, and Pandora by Paradise. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. It will be a stealth grow with limited visits. I will be growing in 10 gal. bags with a moisture retension soil, and time release veg nutes once its established. Not sure what to use for flowering nutes if even needed. Again any help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Ya i kinda saw that :( and i haven't had great luck with there Auto's. I'm limited to what the store has as I left it kinda late. Ok probably scratch that one lol.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked out any of the Dutch passion autos? They are insane yield wise and great smoke to boot! Also the easy Ryder i grew out and it was all right, though mine was very much seeded so could've performed better if it wasn't... Maybe a zip or two outdoors off one of those...also would highly reccomend possibly looking for fast finishing photos may perform better outdoors for you...: unleashdagreen has AMAZHING outdoor grow info... Wishing you the best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Have you checked out any of the Dutch passion autos? They are insane yield wise and great smoke to boot! Also the easy Ryder i grew out and it was all right, though mine was very much seeded so could've performed better if it wasn't... Maybe a zip or two outdoors off one of those...also would highly reccomend possibly looking for fast finishing photos may perform better outdoors for you...: unleashdagreen has AMAZHING outdoor grow info... Wishing you the best of luck!
I had my heart set on think different but sadly its an special order and takes 2 weeks. As for the photo's I was hoping to get it in around start of August so photo will not work. 3 or 4 ounces would be acceptable if it is good. Its just to make sure I dont run out lol. Thanks for the suggestions


New Member
Just browsing as saw this. First time grow. I have some Pandora autos ( Paradise seeds auto collection pack #2). I Was planning on doing them indoors but also have plenty of space outdoors. I'm trying to decide on which to do since it's already so hot out. I would also like any suggestions if possible. soil, nutes, etc....


Well-Known Member
Just an update of the laziest grow ever lol. I put 5 germed seeds of pandora in 10 gallon grow bags with some potting soil and water retention soil around the first of June. It rained every few days, got cold, and the sun didnt come out for three weeks lol. One got eat, two are mutant little dwarfs, and two are doing quite well after being attacked by slugs. The two are 2' tall with preflowers (bit late to flower I'm thinking) and the one mutant is starting to flower. If these things are to be done in 10 weeks they had better get going lol. If I do this next summer they'll go under lights to get them started. Oh and I have been feeding them bone and blood meal, they seem to like it!