Narpal Round 2 Done Right


Well-Known Member
Some Photography

Some nice buds

A good shot of the resin production all the plants look like this

They are getting some pinks hairs now!

my giggest cola

the 3 ladies


i giggled a bit when i saw it

and was like

no way, that is ghetto!

but whatever works, WORKS

good luck with the cut, dry, and cure!


Well-Known Member
So what exactly does that setup involve...

I could not distinguish air-flow on your plants
and figured it was a dehumidifier...


Well-Known Member
For air flow I use a oscillating tower fan set on high and a 150 cfm exhust fan venting outside. For lights I am using 6, 3 foot HO T5's and a 150watt HPS along with a couple 45watt CFLS just for fun.



Well-Known Member
The chop! at last all my hard work pays off! What would you say the dry wight will be. All the buds are nice and hard.

All the trim and popcorn buds. Gonna make some hash or oil.


Well-Known Member
I went higher because they look dense, and I don't see any
bud rot. Flash shots can be
deceiving though...just a guess.


Well-Known Member
They are very dense, and there is absoulutly ZERO bud rot, wich I am aslso very happy about. I kept air flow max 24/7.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear, it can be demoralizing...I've
taken the same measures insuring none this time
around...I'll be waiting for your next project bro.


Well-Known Member
Very nice, looks sweet enough to eat awesome job, did you have a lil taste yet from the trimmings? I'm going to quick dry some of my trimmings come harvest time.