(narpal) Is 2 Feet Good Enough To Flower And Is It Good Enough To Take Cuttings


Well-Known Member
I Put All My Pics Up And Questions I Asked Thanks Everyone Scroll Down The Page And Take A Look If You Think You Can Help Me Or Give Me Any Info Leave Me A Reply


Well-Known Member
6'' in a month is normal. don't fret about that...

the taller one can be cut from, but if you do, i'd wait a minimum of one full week to flower, let the plant recover and start to grow again....


Well-Known Member
What type of lights are you using? 2 feet should be plenty enough to take some clones from and to flower. How many nodes do you have on the 2 foot plant?


Active Member
listen to what advanced growers tell you on here and you will be fine, what do you think guys, he will be fine with 1 lamp hangin at 600w, or he could go for 2 x 250w,

i dont really work on ft lol, generally if your plant(s) look healthy enough, and looks big enough to take the cuttings you want, then you will be fine,

by the way, do you have an incubator ready for your babies????
i would recomend this before you start taking your cuttings, what you think guys..............you agree?
i could never go without mine, would be cruel hahahahahahaha!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I had to take a bunch of all the plants n the shitty lighting system any info pls fill me in and where can i get those lights that the areograden uses i dont see to many around in ur local store or anything

Here Are Some Pics Of My 2 Foot Plant Shes Lookin Good Shes A Female Right? If I Were To Flower This Now How Much Bud Would I Get? I Took 1 Cutting From The Lower Area

This Is The Smaller 1 Foot Plant After 2 Months And 2 weeks I Dont Know Whats Wrong With It The One Leave Is So curled N Shriveled
What Would Be The Problem And Why Hasnt It Grown That Big? Can I Put It Into Flower For A Month An Be Able To Have Bud After A Month?

This Is Pics Of A 5 Month Plant Any Hope In Saving It Is There Anything I Can Do Its Not A NARPAL Strain Nor Sure What It Is

Heres The 2 Babys 2 Pics Of Each. BABY 1 AND BABY 2. Any Way To Make Em Grow Fatser?

Here Are Some Pics Of The Clones The Clone From The Healthy 2 Footer Is About 3 Maybe 4 Inches Its in The Ziploc Dome Is This Good ?
And The Other Clone is From The Old Plant Thats Dying Will These Root I Have Used Root Tech Rooting Gel?

These Are The Lights Im Using Pretty Crap But Its All I Can Spare For Now 2 Daylight 60 Watt Slyvian Lightbulbs With A 120 Slyvian Spotlight

Gimme Some Ideas Anything Tips On If I Should Get More Light Or Anything You Master Growers Would Do In My Situation



Well-Known Member
you need florescent lights at least the bulbs you have are no good all they do is put out heat and very little usable light, compact floresent bulbs are like 6 for $12 at lowes or home depot


Active Member
you are definately stretching the SHIT out of these plants and you need to move the lights closer to the younglings. you should probably bury the plant up the the first set of leaves as well.


Well-Known Member
what do u mean bury the plant after a few set of leaves CHECK THE PICS N MY SETUP PEOPLE GIMME SOME INFO


New Member
OK. You have the black n white the wrong way around for a start.

2ft is not good enough to flower, or do you mean two feet growth from when you start flower?

The 5 month old plant is retarded due to too lowlight levels, and that and the rest of your plants are most likely suffering ph lockout, and maybe also a little overwatering for good measure.


Active Member
Get those lights closer to those plants man, You should have some seven leaves on them by now, another thing i spotted. You're pots you planted, are those large enough to let you're roots spread around, especially at two feet tall. Transplant them to something bigger and should start to get healthier, and about lights, listen to what the people on this site tell. Go spend some money on some Compact flourescents, those will start to let you're stem thicken, and start more branches. Also, you can't tell if it's a female until about ten days into budding you're plant.
buy a book about ganja horticulture,might i suggest the Bible of indoor growing by Jorge Cervantas ( not sure aout the spelling on that name ).