Narcotics unit? Camping out grow store?


Well-Known Member
Had to make a run to the grow store today for some supernova clearex and a 2nd waterfarm. Get there and notice a dude with a beard in a chevy chilling in the middle of the parking lot with sunglasses. Suspicious. Went into a different store in the small shopping mall, looking out occasional windows and he winds up leaving, didn't look like a cop car/something they'd use so I wasn't too worried. Made my purchase quickly and went back out, the dude is cool there and Ive bought stuff off him for two years now but only a a half dozen trips there.

Needless to say as I start the car back up there's a dodge wagon type car (new) with a shady looking white guy, the same look id go for if I was narcotics, beard, sunglasses, scummy looking. Not the type id expect in a dodge magnum or whatever there called brand new. I go about leaving the shopping plaza and he follows me until the highway (2 miles) just to turn around or so it looked. Figure I got my plates written down? Which is fine, car is a family members and not the address of my small grow regardless. Im fairly descent at the hole checking girls out without them noticing and did the same to both of the guys I saw while at the grow store, both white, middle aged, sketchy looking, seemingly there (camping out in the plaza) doing nothing.

Time mite be of a concern so it was 1ish. If I had to guess, the weed in me says narcotics division digging around. Im not a stoner, just once a week or so and I make sure to never have anything weed associated on/in my clothes, car, grinders, joints, iolite, etc. I really did think I would be pulled over for a moment or two but keeping cool and obeying the traffic laws mite of saved me from it?

Probably just sketching out for no reason but I find its better to vent/seek advice on here.


Active Member
Can I ask what state you live in? I need to make a run to the Gro Store and I always think the same thing you mentioned is happening. That someone is staking out the place and getting information (license plate numbers) on people going in. Paranoia, instinct, or just common sense to be cautious.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


I wouldn't worry about it too much until you see the dude staking out your house...then I would eat my plants asap


Well-Known Member
I've wondered about that, myself, hydroshop getting staked out. I mean, if I were a cop, it'd be an obvious place to look,(in illegal states) because common sense would tell ya that almost everybody that goes there, is growing or smoking. For that reason, I hardly ever go there anymore, and if I do, I don't drive, I have a friend do it, and never mention the risk.(nice guy, eh?lol) Thank god, my MG vs. FF soil comparison turned out so well, because now I don't have to drive there for soil. The local Walmart has all the soil I need. :wink:


Well-Known Member
the undercovers/narc unit/ etc drive magnums and some nice chevys in this area.. it is what they use to stake out drug houses, grow ops, grow shops etc.. all unmarked.. i would put my money on the fact they are watching the shop..


Active Member
I never worried about visiting the Gro Store until one got raided in Oakland County, MI. They allegedly took cash ($20,000) from the store and from people inside the store. I have a reason for my paronoia, I don't want to get caught up in some BS like that.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I live a town like the OP's and it has happened here. Local DEA? stakes out the local shop and gets warrants after that I suppose?

Better safe than sorry IMO!!


Well-Known Member
either move to a legalized state.. or quit growing.. not worth getting busted convicted and knowing there are states where its legal.


Well-Known Member
either move to a legalized state.. or quit growing.. not worth getting busted convicted and knowing there are states where its legal.
ya too bad this effed up economy won't allow most folks to move and find work in a pot legal state..


Active Member
Shit man that's if the state even has jobs lol. Here in Oregon it's legal medicinally but fuckin it's one of the highest unemployed states in America. And yes I'm currently unemployed lol.