narcissist relationship

An excuse for a favorite cartoon


My rhymes so fucking cold it's like I grew up by polar bears. Syncopation seamlessly on and off like bi polar bears. My rhymes so fucking nice it's like I buy polar bears just to release them like bye polar bears.
I'm left in wonderment. OP on another thread is concerned about being called racist while he let's these two bitches cornhole him. Go figger
So maybe you need a lesson in american history...white man chains black man ,whips black man, segregated black man, those people were racist pieces of shit, so your god damn right it bothers me and for those who it doesn't bother it puts them in the same light [full of hate]...I will not be categorized with that group of people...Now can you direct me to the adult section?
So maybe you need a lesson in american history...white man chains black man ,whips black man, segregated black man, those people were racist pieces of shit, so your god damn right it bothers me and for those who it doesn't bother it puts them in the same light [full of hate]...I will not be categorized with that group of people...Now can you direct me to the adult section?
So maybe you need a lesson in american history...white man chains black man ,whips black man, segregated black man, those people were racist pieces of shit, so your god damn right it bothers me and for those who it doesn't bother it puts them in the same light [full of hate]...I will not be categorized with that group of people...Now can you direct me to the adult section?
I'm assuming you're American. Do you abide the government that used genocide to gain control of the lands of North America and instituted policies to destroy indigenous people? Because as horrible as slavery was, it wasn't genocide, at least people valued slaves, and it didn't lay the foundation of the country. Think about that.
I'm assuming you're American. Do you abide the government that used genocide to gain control of the lands of North America and instituted policies to destroy indigenous people? Because as horrible as slavery was, it wasn't genocide, at least people valued slaves, and it didn't lay the foundation of the country. Think about that.
yep, the same policies that the government of Canada, Mexico, and every country in europe used when they occupied a new territory. and they learned those policies from studying the history of all the other countries that came before them, and they learned their policies from the tribal warlords who used them before we divided the globe with imaginary lines...
So maybe you need a lesson in american history...white man chains black man ,whips black man, segregated black man, those people were racist pieces of shit, so your god damn right it bothers me and for those who it doesn't bother it puts them in the same light [full of hate]...I will not be categorized with that group of people...Now can you direct me to the adult section?

We reserve that for the adults.
I'm assuming you're American. Do you abide the government that used genocide to gain control of the lands of North America and instituted policies to destroy indigenous people? Because as horrible as slavery was, it wasn't genocide, at least people valued slaves, and it didn't lay the foundation of the country. Think about that.
Attrition on slave ships was as high as 1 in 3, so that valuation of which you speak was quite low in the acquisition and transport phase.
However your position is supported when we remember who sold the slaves "down the river" in that handy old phrase.
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yep, the same policies that the government of Canada, Mexico, and every country in europe used when they occupied a new territory. and they learned those policies from studying the history of all the other countries that came before them, and they learned their policies from the tribal warlords who used them before we divided the globe with imaginary lines...
Me and a buddy have a continuing conversation about "cut off" dates in history. If and where to place blame today for past injustices and the accompanying remediation issues, cultural changes and acceptance throughout history, stuff like that. 100 years? 250? 500? 2000? When do historical statute of limitations kick in?