Napthalene exposure and JWH-018


Well-Known Member
I've been reading up on JWH-018 and the likely hood of it having carcinogenic properties. It seemed on BL it was a toss up between most likely and YES! I'm not sure if the Napthalene ring in the JWH is released during pyrolysis or not or what other amounts of chemicals are released. Though I got to think, how bad would you compare the Naphthalene exposure in JWH to that of cigarettes. Not to mention the other trace amounts of cancer causing agents found it cigarettes such as benzene. I'm just worried as i've smoked an estimated 10 grams of a mixture of JWH-018, JWH-073, and JWH-250 mostly 018. Though now I'm starting to regret it, as more and more info. I find seems to be pointing towards epoxide's forming from metabolism of the Naphthalene ring, which I read had been linked to pancreatic cancer (most always fatal). Though the statistics of how much Naphthalene JWH-018 produces to still unknown. I know, barely anything is known by the metabolic route of this chemicals as John W. Huffman the creator of the JWH himself does not know what the long term effects are or metabolic pathway of the chemical. I just want to know if anyone could shed some light on whether I will probably die from this or not, I know there is not a straight edged answer but I keep thinking to myself "10 grams of 95-98% pure JWH-018 powder damn I must be getting cancer". Have any of you ingested around this much of the chemical or was I just a complete dumb ass for ingesting such large quantities. From a report I found on the US EPA yes. Link provided: . I'm just looking for some kind of broad feedback mostly on whether cancer is a foreseeable future for me or not. I'm not looking for an exact yes or no with irrefutable proof just a good "probably" "most likely" answer with SOME type of chemical explanation pointing to that answer.


Well-Known Member
Cancer screens have been done on JWH-018 for a while now..

As far as we know, JWH-018 is not carcinogenic.
"JWH-018 along with its metabolites was found to be negative in both GreenScreen HC and GreenScreen HC S9 (metabolism) genotoxic assays at concentrations up to 75 μg/ml."

"The positive cytotoxicity indicated in the GreenScreen HC S9 is likely an anomaly due to the S9 fraction causing interference. It was noted only at the highest concentration."

Isn't JWH usually smoked in miligram quantities not micrograms, so wouldn't the risk of Genotoxicity significantly increase like it states at higher concentrations? I'm not a scientist and have limited chemistry background info. so please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on my thought.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thing about pankreatic cancer is that it takes 20 years to become dangerous, and thats normaly when its detected. When doctors say they caught it early they are talking balls.
Cut sugar from your diet and the cancer cells simply cannot survive and thrive.


Active Member
Interesting thing about pankreatic cancer is that it takes 20 years to become dangerous, and thats normaly when its detected. When doctors say they caught it early they are talking balls.
Cut sugar from your diet and the cancer cells simply cannot survive and thrive.
You referring to all sugars or just like refined ones anc?


Well-Known Member
Well I suppose we want as little as possible sugar not directly from fruit.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Isn't JWH usually smoked in miligram quantities not micrograms, so wouldn't the risk of Genotoxicity significantly increase like it states at higher concentrations?
Quite possible, I just do not think it would be probable. Most people, when they use JWH-018, probably use between three to ten milligrams (3000µg and 10000µg). Even if the studies were on the microgram level, I don't think exposure to a few milligrams should really make a significant difference; if it was carcinogenic I think we would have seen it by now. Many of the articles take the fact that JWH-015 is carcinogenic and label JWH-018 carcinogenic simply because they are in the same family of substances.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thing about pankreatic cancer is that it takes 20 years to become dangerous, and thats normaly when its detected. When doctors say they caught it early they are talking balls.
Cut sugar from your diet and the cancer cells simply cannot survive and thrive.
Interesting, so sugar causes an increased production of insulin which is made in the pancreas, it increases cell multiplication which is the main reason for the body attacking the white blood cells. Which is what cancer really is, if i'm not mistaken. Just your bodies immune system launching an attack on DNA/RNA altered blood cells that are multiplying to fast? In any case sugar is needed for loads of cell growth, limiting excess amounts of sugar in the body can decrease the risk but without eating sugar your body starts getting insulin in the form of fat and proteins. So you'd essentially be starving yourself to ward off cancer and even then it is not guaranteed that no cancer will be produced. At lest that's what I got from . If I'm wrong on this accusation please correct me, this is all just information I got from googling a website so I doubt my information is 100% correct.


Well-Known Member
Quite possible, I just do not think it would be probable. Most people, when they use JWH-018, probably use between three to ten milligrams (3000µg and 10000µg). Even if the studies were on the microgram level, I don't think exposure to a few milligrams should really make a significant difference; if it was carcinogenic I think we would have seen it by now. Many of the articles take the fact that JWH-015 is carcinogenic and label JWH-018 carcinogenic simply because they are in the same family of substances.
Well what would you estimate the danger is on a gram level, like mine which involved smoking grams (about 8-9) of relatively pure JWH-018 over the course of a few months?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Well what would you estimate the danger is on a gram level, like mine which involved smoking grams (about 8-9) of relatively pure JWH-018 over the course of a few months?
Probably not very high.


Well-Known Member
I've been experiencing a weird underlying foot asleep vibrating feeling on right below the top right shoulder.I was wondering if there was a possibility of soft tissue damage on the lungs from smoking them off tin foil. It seems to become more intense when I smoke spice. It could also be a pinched nerve. Though I thought wouldn't it relax the muscles from the CB1 and CB2 receptors agnostic effects. I've also been sleeping on a cheap 100 USD futon for the last 4 months so it might be just a pinched nevere. But i'm also a little frightend that it could be soft tissue damage. I rarely smoked cigarettes, probably not more than a carton and a half my whole life. Which is pretty good in my opinion since many people go through multiple cartons as months and still exhibit minor physical health problems. How harmful would you estimate it would be on the lungs. I bike around 1 1/2 miles a day every day for about the past month sober of any drug. Do you think the damaged caused to the lungs by smoking JWH as much as I did would heal after time. I hear a pack a day smoker for multiple years could experience fast lung repair 3 hours after the last cigarette is smoked and can expect to be fully repaired within 3-4 years no?
Sorry to be bombarding you with questions like your my doctor and I'm a hypochondriac i'm just trying to get some answers about JWH and you Shepj seem to know a fair amount of the substances and even have started your own brand line of spice if I'm not mistaken?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I was wondering if there was a possibility of soft tissue damage on the lungs from smoking them off tin foil.
Maybe JWH is not the culprit? There is such thing as metal poisoning; who knows what kind of chemicals are coming off of the coating of that Aluminum Foil.

Sorry to be bombarding you with questions like your my doctor and I'm a hypochondriac i'm just trying to get some answers about JWH and you Shepj seem to know a fair amount of the substances and even have started your own brand line of spice if I'm not mistaken?
I would be surprised if there were many more side effects to JWH-018 than there are to marijuana. Smoking ANYTHING is potentially carcinogenic, since you are vaporizing the JWH and not burning it, I would be surprised if any lung damage was from the JWH and not the Aluminum Foil.

All in all if you are having something you think are side effects, and since I am not a physician, I would discontinue the ingestion of the JWH-018 for a week or two and see if you are still having any adverse effects.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
When I had some jwh I wasn't worried about the cancer. Though I did do a little research, and it scared me a little. But Shepj just relieved me with his knowledgeable posts. I've missed you brother!

It was the shits/constipation that made me quit the jwh 018 though. (Well, it made me not want to buy anymore :) )

But man, A quarter oz of bud usually lasts me a little over a week. When I had the JWH I smoked a quarter a month!

It just lasts so long, you spark one bowl and your good for like 2 hours :D


Well-Known Member
When I had some jwh I wasn't worried about the cancer. Though I did do a little research, and it scared me a little. But Shepj just relieved me with his knowledgeable posts. I've missed you brother!

It was the shits/constipation that made me quit the jwh 018 though. (Well, it made me not want to buy anymore :) )

But man, A quarter oz of bud usually lasts me a little over a week. When I had the JWH I smoked a quarter a month!

It just lasts so long, you spark one bowl and your good for like 2 hours :D
You must not have really gained a tolerance I was smoking numerous hits every day as I didn't have any school or work to keep me occupied and not get high. I moved and had knew absolutely nobody and was mostly waiting to get enrolled into a college in my area. An now that I am I STILL CAN'T FIND ANY HERB :( so I'm forced to go to the mall headshop and continue to purchase spice products (not necessarily forced more of a my strong addictive personality to achieve mental stimulation), I just want some damn good ol' mary jane! I stopped smoking spice for about 3 weeks and the vibrating feeling seem to subsided alittle bit but still remand and appeared 1-3 times a day around the 3 week mark. Towards the middle and end of my JWH use my tolerance was through the roof, I was smoking around 10-15mg of 95-98.8% pure JWH-018 chemical to get a 10 minute high. An my brain felt completely out of whack, like I had been strung out constantly on speed for an extended period of time, close to psychosis described from extended drug use which evolves copious amounts of dopamine release though with a more burnt out feels and no so much paranoia and violent hallucinations just, down and out of it for a while... Well i'm fine with living to around 30-40 age is a bitch, I had to spend the majority of my teen years living with my 90 year old grandmother, let me tell you something, that woman woke up every morning and did nothing but complain about the troubles in life and how she wished she was dead. I'd feel it a blessing to live a spiritual and loving of the life we have been given on such a beautiful world for a short period of time using mind altering substances to help better understand myself and have an increased appreciation of the natural world around me than go through life worrying about material possessions and how much money I made or who I knew. Because nothing but your mind is gonna go with you into the next life, what ever and where ever that may be

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You must not have really gained a tolerance I was smoking numerous hits every day as I didn't have any school work towards then middle and end my tolerance was through the roof, I was smoking around 10-15mg of pure JWH-018 chemical to get a 10 minute high

I was melting/burning bowls with 25mg-35mg on top.

FUCKED you up in the face for about an hour and a half, you were pretty much trippin :D

I was doing it in moderation, when I felt the tolerance build up. Moderation is key ;)


Well-Known Member
Maybe JWH is not the culprit? There is such thing as metal poisoning; who knows what kind of chemicals are coming off of the coating of that Aluminum Foil.

I would be surprised if there were many more side effects to JWH-018 than there are to marijuana. Smoking ANYTHING is potentially carcinogenic, since you are vaporizing the JWH and not burning it, I would be surprised if any lung damage was from the JWH and not the Aluminum Foil.

All in all if you are having something you think are side effects, and since I am not a physician, I would discontinue the ingestion of the JWH-018 for a week or two and see if you are still having any adverse effects.
Good point I was smoking it tin foil was completely blackend on the shiny side which is where I lit. I heard someone say "shiny side down" I didn't directly inhale from those fumes out the inside less shiny part around it kind of like made the tin foil into a aluminum boat, which I learned how to do in elementary school and seeing who could make the best ship that could fit the most army men. (______) <--- like that. An once the shiny side became very black I would just rub it off on my pants and the black would come completely off, which probably wore away at the aluminum foil walls making it more likely for me to inhale toxins made from the foil? I thought the only danger link was that between smoking out of aluminum was a study showed increased amount of aluminum and the bodies of people with Alzheimer disease... Though what the effects of inhaling tiny shards of aluminum into your lung is a different story...


Active Member
fucking be careful. jwh is a research chem just like any other and ive had friends have to goto hospital and multible freekouts. it just takes that one time. and mixing al l3 ive never even heard of that. im super sketch about the unknown and jwh is the unknown. ive smoked its afew times. doesnt really appeal to me. after the recent storys ive heard i plan on never smoking it again


Well-Known Member
I'm fine with living to 50 something years and i'll be tripping for the rest of my life right when I start to get Alzheimer's disease. I would just tattoo things like drop acid on my forehead and eat mushrooms on my right and get some MDMA and down it with some OJ on the left. I won't know whats going on anyways at first before the whole fatality part starts to kick in :lol:. But any who I no longer smoke pure JWH off of aluminum foil but I have been smoking spice out of an aluminum dugout... it seems pretty thick so the chance of inhaling small amounts of aluminum seem unlikely...


Well-Known Member
fucking be careful. jwh is a research chem just like any other and ive had friends have to goto hospital and multible freekouts. it just takes that one time. and mixing al l3 ive never even heard of that. im super sketch about the unknown and jwh is the unknown. ive smoked its afew times. doesnt really appeal to me. after the recent storys ive heard i plan on never smoking it again
You wanna send me some herb? Do you have any of those hash blunt raps you had from Amsterdam those looked amaazing! What I would do for just some regular weed and a white owl right now :(. I am extremely bored with spice and experience hypochondriac anxiety every time I smoke it, it's like the high is mostly in my head like I can feel my CB receptors being pushed to unhealthy limits with a slight body stoning that feels just chemical and not warm and happy like marijuana does, oh how I miss herb soo!