Napa23's 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
Napa it's good to see you back on the block:) Your baby is looking great plus this is the 1st plant I've seen you do this big. She is going to yield you a decent amount of prime smoke:) Keep It Green!


Well-Known Member
Hola chief! Long time no see, how ya been? What are you working with these days? Thanks for the kind words :). Yeah, this one is my biggest. The Blue Mystic was decimated by nutrient deficiencies, topping, and drought. The 60 Day Wonder was just in a party cup, self explanatory lol. This one I'm actually doing right. I think my next will be BCN Diesel Auto, by Kannabia I believe. It was a freebie. I'd really like to start getting some regular autos so I can start crossing. I feel like that's what everyone's diving into now. But I don't have too much space now and I'd like to have a male on my balcony, just as a pollen producer. I think I'll wait til next summer though. Anyway, if you got a grow going drop the link. Keep it blazin my friend!


Well-Known Member
New update, as promised. She's really filling in a smelling nicely. More hairs going red. She's at day 54


Well-Known Member
Hey Napa, I'm not growing anything just at the moment. I'm moving into a house and I can't wait to start my small perpetual grow. I want to harvest 1-2 plants a month. I'm going to start the auto Blue Mystics 1st because they are quicker to finish. I'm going to have Mama Dude feminized seeds I got from BBK vegging for 2 months, so when the BMs are finished flowering, I will put the MamaDude plants to flowering. Your 60 Day Wonder is looking soooo good and healthy. Can't wait for the smoke report:)


Well-Known Member
Seems like you got the whole perpetual thing down Chief. That's something I would like to do when I have the space. As you can see, I have my hands full right now. This is a FastBud #2, but the 60DW, was great just small.


Active Member
Awesome looking flowers there napa!! i am definitely LSTing my next one that looks crazy, my Tropicanna seeds are on the way cant wait to try them out.. this is a great thread, you bought me in on Lst thanks napa


Well-Known Member
No problem bud, I really advocate for LST. I see absolutely no reason not to do it. At least for my situation.


Active Member
yeah it makes sense because some of my branches are not getting very much light im always adjusting my light arrangements!! yours look awesome gonna do it next grow... roughly how big of pots do you use and how long do you veg? if you dont mind me asking..


Well-Known Member
why would i mind?? 5 gallon smart pot, those fabric ones you see popping up all over then grow shops. It's wierd i've had this one for a while and i'm seeing them all over the place now. I'm exclusively autoflower. All of mine have started flowering at or just before 2 weeks exactly


Active Member
Nice thanks i have 3 1/2 gallon pots gonna look into 5 gallon ones, i am growin an uknown bag seed its my first real grow, i tried before a couple times not knowing what the heck i was at and burned them with the slow release nutrient sticks and over watering them.. that was a sad day never had a computer back then lol


Active Member
After seeing this I plan on LST'ing my next fast bud. If I plan on transplanting later on can I still LST but for the smaller pot? /subscribed


Well-Known Member
Why would you transplant? It's better not to. But you can still LST. Either you will have to tie to the small pot, untie it when transplanting and tie it back to the new pot. OR tie her down to just the soil and try transplanting that way. Either way you will probably have to retie


Well-Known Member
no clue, don't have a scale and i'm terrible at judging weight. But i'll let you all know once i harvest and my friend lends me his scale :)