Nanner During Reveg

Trying to preserve some genetics I had from the last run and reveging a few keepers. I am obviously putting the plants through a lot of stress.

To make matters worse I also had an issue where the AC was out for a few days which resulted in high temperatures 90+. When the AC was fixed it somehow automated to 66 degrees and dropped the tent temperature to 66 degrees for a few days. There may also have been an issue with the lights turning on per schedule. Pretty much everything you can imagine going wrong. After a few days one of the best plants I was trying to save threw a nanner.

My question is, would you still keep this plant and try to reveg it, or toss it ? It’s possibly the best plant out of the bunch that I am trying to preserve. This is a lot of stress for a plant so I don’t believe it would be an issue if the conditions are ideal. It didn’t show any signs of herming during flower. However, I am still concerned that it’s predisposed to herming when exposed to a lot of stress.
If it's a keeper, it's a keeper, nanners or not. I mean, that's what people have been doing for decades anyway, and simply put is probably why your keeper nannered at all. . ..someone up the line didn't care either.

If you're just growing for personal, nanners schmanners who really gives a crap IMO. But, if you're trying to breed, or in your case preserve genetics, maybe it'd be nice to put in some stabilization work before giving out/selling/preserving any seeds?
If it was the best plant and you are saving genetics, a couple nanners after all that stress is not an issue IMO. It didn’t grow nanners during its whole first flower season so it’s stable, just not after extreme stress. Sounds like after what she went through a nanner or two is not surprising.
If I found a seed after that I'd pop it too.
If the bud is super fire and at the end it throws a few nanners, I pull the nanners off, put them on a plate and let them dry for a day or two. Then take a q tip and pick up all the pollen and put the q tip in a plastic vial and into the fridge for future projects.