Naminators Stoner Brownie Adventure


So I am on an adventure to get the best pot brownies ever. This will involve a lot of experimenting and testing.

Edit: I have scoured high and low on the internet. Nobody ever gives specific amounts or they all vary. Since I enjoy trying new things post up recipes you would like to see attempted with Cannabutter/oil. I will keep testing recipes until they are perfect. I myself smoke a lot so my tolerance is higher, but I have two helper gnomes that have zero tolerance that are willing to help.

So to start I made Cannabutter.

I used two sticks of butter, around 2 grams of kief, some already vaped weed and some purple kush I got from a dispensary in BC (not very good).

To avoid smell I cook everything inside a sealed jar inside a crock pot for about 7 hours.

I extracted the butter from the weed and it is currently cooling inside my fridge. Stay tuned for the first baking adventure tomorrow.


So I skimmed the butter and weighed it. Into the pot went about 4 grams of plant material and 227 grams of butter. I came away with roughly 170 grams of butter. That is a loss of 57 grams. I am currently trying to reclaim some from the water I had in with the butter.

I came away with about 3/4 of a cup of butter. I will be improving my extraction and handling methods next go around. Baking the brownies this evening. Stay tuned.


Note to self. Do not shop for things high. I went to get brownie mix and bought chocolate chip cookie dough instead.

The recipe calls for 1 egg, and 1/2 cup of melted butter. As softening some of the green gold I added it to the cookie dough.

The back of the package says you get 36 cookies. Average dose is going to be 1/12 of the cookies made so 3. This should be comparable to a recipe for brownies that makes 12 doses. Each cookie is 12 grams (weighed each time) and there is 1 gram of kief and 2 grams of weed in the batch. This mean each individual cookie will have 0.028 and 0.056 of marijuana. 1 Dose is therefore .075~ grams of kief and .15 Grams of marijauna.

The first batch has come out slightly dark. Probably because I was typing this post up. Waiting for the to cool to put batch two in. I ate one of this batch of cookies. Tasted kinda funny, but still like cookie (I could taste it was a bit burnt and the weed was pronounced).

After the first batch of fail, I tried something differently. I increased the temp of the oven slightly, and tore the dough into balls. The cookies came out just right and smell fucking amazing.

Next into the oven are four 36 gram cookies and two 13 gram ones.

So all the cookies are done. I wound up with 15 slightly burnt cookies, 20 Nicely cooked cookies, 4-36 gram and 1-27 gram cookies. The cookies to the left of the beer are the 15 burnt ones. The container below that has 20 - 12 gram, nicely cooked cookies. The 5 ones the plate are 36 gram and 1 27 gram cookies.

2011-05-29 00.23.34.jpg


Last night I ate two of the cookies (12 grams each) and smoked a joint. The effects from the joint wore off then the cookies kicked in. Slight Audio hallucinations. Slept soundly, better then I have in a while and woke up refreshed.

Nice body high. It actually allowed me to sleep last night without the anxiety I usually feel.

I reclaimed a tiny amount of butter from the water I originally had in the jar. I have almost reclaimed all the butter that was originally used.

Next up brownies with the remaining butter and to test the cookies on other people.


Well-Known Member
I would get a bag of organic healthy brownie mix, this way you don't get all the crap that's in a regular mix. Head into a nutrition store or health food market. Healthy brownies are the best when making pot brownies. Organic is the way to go.


Yeah I checked out the local store for brownie mixes. All I could find was "Gluten free" mixes. I will probably end up doing a scratch made brownie mix that calls for butter.

I have been testing the doses of the cookies gradually. Figuring out the proper dose isn't that easy. I find 2 cookies (2/3 of a dose) is not strong enough for me. A friend who ate 2 and a half? was fairly messed up but that was subsidized by a few hits from my vape (so was my own high).

Tonight I will be eating one of the 36 gram cookies and will continue upping the dose until I find that magic stoned spot.


So about 2 hours ago I ate 1 36 gram cookie. Fairly good high. Kinda creeps up on you all of a sudden. This is 15 minutes before 2 full hours and I am just starting to feel the edge of something. If I don't get more high I will be eating another cookie or smoking a hit or two from my vape.