Name That Plant...if you can


Well-Known Member
Simple...lets test your knowledge...Today I took pix of a rhizomitous perennial. This cultivar is called "Lucifer" Although I don't understand the connection. Winner wins rep...what else can I give...guess away
July 1 2012 002.jpgcommon names are not acceptable. we're professionals. Learn the latin or look it up. Genus name is acceptable. good luck.


Well-Known Member
ok here's another two. one is an herbaeceous perennial. it blooms late with pink flowes. i like it because the deer won't eat it. bonus points if you can guess the tree. it is one of my favorite trees. in a world of weeds this tree is an aristocrate. slow growing. non native.
July 7 2012 001.jpgJuly 7 2012 007.jpgJuly 7 2012 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
The first is the Hardy Begonia, Begonia grandis. Shade, moist, regular soil. The second is a pine...Pinus parviflora is the jap white pine Ryan. This one is a pine but for some reason doesn't fall under the Pinus genus. Another reason to hate taxonomists. They have the power to change a plants name at a conferance they all attend once a year. I know of plants that have changed names as many as four times and I stopped counting after that. An example would be Poison Ivy...used to fall under the genus Rhus (Sumac) Now it is under it's own genus called Toxicodendron radicans. The Pine pictured is Sciadopitys verticillata or Japanese umbrella pine. Not that anyone cares but pines fall under basically three, white and black...also the deer won't touch it. Another bonus.


Well-Known Member
tired of this thread yet? can't help ya...jk...the first tree should be obvious to anyone living south of the border. it looks like a cypress but it's not. it should be obvious to anyone in north cali...i've driven the coastal highway and you have lots of them
don't bother with the latin...just gimme anything. the second is a gift. the third mb some gardeners will know. the next one everyone should know...leaves of three leave them be. the next blooms better in the northeast than here in philly but we are the southern most hardyness zone for many plants because of the appalachians. the last two are the same plant. a native. another gift.i like the diamond plated bark. and that only happens after twenty years or so. hope some of you know these plants.....guess away....july 9 2012 004.jpgjuly 9 2012 007.jpgjuly 9 2012 011.jpgjuly 9 2012 013.jpgjuly 9 2012 015.jpgjuly 9 2012 018.jpgjuly 9 2012 019.jpg


Well-Known Member
close rep. i had a very hard time remembering it in school because it had so many is Metasequoia glyptostroboides...or Dawn Redwood. i have not heard the common name coral plant. common names are local so mb what you call coral is what i call dawn redwood. and it's from china. it's not native.


Well-Known Member
i must spead some rep around before giving it again to cindysid...i looked up coral on didn't look famliar.


Well-Known Member
no takers? ok the plants are
dawn redwood
summer phlox
bush euonymous
poison ivy for christ's sake...everybody should know that one
common lilac
the last two are american dogwood