name that molecule thread;)

That would be a metabolite of shrooms but not psilocybin itself as it is dephosphorylated... kinda not fair to post a metabolite...
That would be a metabolite of shrooms but not psilocybin itself as it is dephosphorylated... kinda not fair to post a metabolite...
It's not a metabolite. And its not found in shrooms but certainseeds. But change the number in the front of that equation. It's a triptamine that's snorted in south America as a snuff. That should give it away I think...
Ok ok its 5-ho-DMT also known as bufotenine found in Yopo seeds. In its pure freebase form only like less than 1 in a million have probably tryed pure bufotenine. I'm one of those few ;) its like DMT, LSD, and shrooms rolled up together. Pretty awesome I like it better than DMT. Ok y'all's turn post a drug molecule then 2 picture hints then give more hints as people guise. ;)
I would have to be a complete dipstick to use any psychedelics :-? I have strong family history of psychosis and had a brief psychotic episode after an argument a few years ago.
I would have to be a complete dipstick to use any psychedelics :-? I have strong family history of psychosis and had a brief psychotic episode after an argument a few years ago.
Yeah yer probably right. I'm bipolar but some psychs have actually helped me. But psychosis is probably a different story tho.
Obviously not the psilocybin molecule underneath. I have more, if we continue to play this game, ill just have to edit out the inked name