n00b luck


Active Member
alright so i randomly put some seeds in the ground, they sprouted and i adopted them. im using peat moss and some high nitrogen feed at the moment, but i cant leave them outside. this is personal use stuff so it doesnt have to be dank. just need a couple pointers with lights, where to get equipment, what kind of equipment. any info on this early stage would be tight.
im not exactly smart, im a picture book kinda guy.


Active Member
i shulda also mention, theyre currently outdoors, i dont have an indoor setup yet. theyre drinking tap with some 15-10-15 solution that sits over night. they get watered very little. the stem is about 2 inches long with 1 cm leaves on top. their lighting is not so good either. they get direct sunlight for about 3 hrs. any quick setup ideas? im about to go get some cfls and lamps.
ill get pics asap. i just joined, but something tells me youll be hearing a lot from me... for a long time.


Active Member
get a few cfls, try to get atleast 2,500 lumens per plant...this can be done pretty cheaply and efficiently


Well-Known Member
Any one with vicious in thier screen name should be shot. Hey dude get the book by SeeMoreBuds, "Marijuana Buds For Less". Its available a Barnes and Nobles, $16.95. Shows how the author grew 8 oz of dried bud from three female plants. Picture for every day of the plants life. If your a picture book kinda guy, this is 'the book'. Pictures of how to set up, a list of what you will need. Pictorial on how to clone and lots of other useful information.
If you don't have a Barnes and Nobles Garden Knowm has a link for ordering it on line, which is ok because he wrote the book. VV


Active Member
nyways, i got some cfls (daylight-2) and a fluorescent t8 in a cardboard square with tinfoil. one of them is struggling, erectile disfunction, cant stay up... ill put picks up when my gf finds the digital camera.


Well-Known Member
If it can't hold itself up, I would assume it is stretching for light. If it is above 4" and has only the first set of leaves, lower the light.


Well-Known Member
Thanx Lumberjack. No hostility, there are qiute a few that would like to shot me. Nice to have another Vicious character along. VV


Active Member
alright. the lights are low. the erectile dysfunction is gone. the stems are reaching about 3 inches and one has a white/ unhealthy looking stem. they all only have on set of leaves. i have 3 cfls a t8 and my friend brought me a HPS bulb. apparently i was watering them too much. oh, and since i received the HPS a fan is running. i have pics but no cord to import.

shold watering be once ever 3 days? when should that change?
is 18-6 on/off hours right?
what shold the water PH be? 5.5?
im using tomato fertilizer (5-8-5) and plant food 15-10-15. is this overfertilization?
i wish my pics were up so i could get more suggestions, but based off this info, anyone got some tips?

these plants are about 2 weeks old.