n00b lighting help


Active Member
I am new to the whole grow scene and am trying out a plant.

My question is this, I have 2 50hps and 2 15w T5 cfls. Will this do any justice to Northern Lights?

And any tips for fertilizing would be greatly appreciated.

I have a 2x2.5x3 foot box with timer and ventilation. I Mist with soda water every other day (for co2, any cool mister ideas?)and water with Miracle grow Bloom booster. I have just gone 12/12 and My plant is about 6 inches from lights, but I have a cpl old computer fans running to keep them cool.

I said I was a n00b.


Active Member
You'll get buds, but I hope your only talking about one plant with only 130watts of light on them. Chances are your buds will be stringy and not very dense. And get rid of the miracle gro, that stuff should be known as miracle blo. Pick up a pack of BC products. For like twenty bucks you get one bottle of each, BC Boost, BC Bloom, BC Grow, Awesome Blossoms, Thrive Alive red and green, and even a jar of cloning gel! Look into it man. For a twenty dollar investment you will VASTLY improve the quality of your harvest. Check out Worm's Way - Gardening Products, Supplies, Service, Support, and Knowledge Base for all your hydroponics, indoor, outdoor and organic gardening needs, year 'round! for the nutrients I spoke of. Cheap, good people too.


Active Member
Sweet! thx for the info, I saw that stuff at my local Hydro shop. (That I just found today)

methinks he shall see a profit off me next week.
Oh, and I was thinking of trying LED's any input on these from anyone who tried them?


Active Member
Okay. As I said, cash is tight.

I just got the box of nutes you recommended. Now what? I am lost. I have tried to read up on it, but time at a comp is rather limited.

I have one in dirt (3rd week of 12/12) now and would like to try one in hydro one day.
I am building the system now. I am going to do a bubbler bucket. Is it better to do a floating type top or stationary top with a external level indicator?

I have the basket, and a big bag of the red clay pebbles. Now I have a baby in dirt, how do I transplant to pebbles and such?

I am using a dual stage air pump and 2 6" bubbler wands.

Soon I hope to finish up the box with 5 LED panels and a solid coating of mylar.

I GREATLY appreciate any help and advice offered. As you can see, I do listen, so it wont be wasted.