n00b growerr. need help!


alright so im having trouble in using nutrients. my seeds just started to grow so i planted them in different cups with foxfarm soil. ive been reading a lot so i kind if know what im doing. the one thing im not sure of is if i can use earth juice (grow,bloom) products on my seedlings when they start to grow out of the soil, if so how much do i use? and how often? if not how long should i wait? need some help pl0x!!


Well-Known Member
if ur using fox farm ocean soil u really dont need to add any nute for atleast a month and the light sound be on from anywhere from 18/6 to 24/0 cycle. i perfer 24/0


alright thanks, also i keep coming across posts from people saying that you need to condition your water. if i use regular sink water do i have to do annything special with it or is it good just how it is? feelin like a noob


Well-Known Member
If you are using just tap water you should let the water rest in a container for 24+ hours prior to watering your plants.
If possible place it where it can be as warm as your plants/soil.

Resting the water helps remove some of the chlorine.
Agitating the container will oxygenate the water.

Some people don't care, Others use Distilled, Few use Reverse Osmosis.

Hope this helps.