N.Y.P.D (New York Power Diesel - Nirvana seeds)


Well-Known Member
tGood solution but a little better is potassium bicarbonate. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Only difference is I think you want to use potassium and not sodium. Another thing is potassium bicarb is used in all the commertial sprays for PM and bacterial/fungus problems with plants. I got a lb of potassium bicarb for about $20 ($11 plus $8 ship) and use it 4 times during veg and flower. I still have a buttload left. Directions say to use only 1-2 tsp per gallon. Kills the fungus and the spors and is non toxic to humans or animals. I know the baking soda is cheap so use what you can get and if it works don't change it. Where is my smoke report?? Just kidding. I know that many plants is a lot of work but the good kind. Great job SOG.
