N.Y.P.D+ Critical Mass 99 fem. 400watts of pure joy.


Hello Everyone, I have just received my New York Power Diesel seeds and they are germinating as we speak. They came with one free seed! (Ch9 Seeds Critical Mass.)

My specs:

  • One 4x2x5 Mylar Tent

  • One MH 400 watt for vegetative growth (with one spare bulb)

  • One HPS 400 watt for flowering

  • Three 9quart buckets (2.25gal, got them at walmart for $1.25 a pop :bigjoint:)

  • One regular adjustable reflector

  • Two 119CFM Inline Blowers (Not the highest cfm,but they work perfectly for my setup)

  • One DIY Carbon Scrubber (so the neighbors don't get suspicious):leaf:

  • I will be using molasses, some hydro store brand bloom nutes, and organic nutrient starter kit. For 37 bucks at the local store, thats a fuckin steal.
And some other odds and ends like a hydrometer, ph meter yadda yadda

Well wish me luck, because this grow has officially been started.
Time to put countless hours of reading and research from the past couple of years to work.


Well-Known Member
you doing a short veg cycle with em? Cuz those 2.25gal pots wont be enough if you veg them too long...


I have no plans as for how long to veg them because I've never grown these strains. So I'm just going see how they grow in the tent and go from there. NYPD is mostly sativa, so i cant let them get too big during veg, because sativa continues growing taller during flowering. I expect maybe a month veg, but maybe they'll thrive and need to flower sooner. I hope not, Ive always liked to wait for my plants to mature because if you flower too soon they have better odds of coming out hermies. and I want some sensimilla crop.


Hmm. I'll have to look into that, but I've seemed to do fine in the past with 2 gallon containers. I start them in 2 quarts them transplant them into 9 and they just thrive. Thanks for the tip. Maybe I'll pick a couple of them up. It's just the soil is expensive man. thats a lot of soil.


Well-Known Member
You can grow in small pots but like massah said, if you veg too long you can run into issues as the pots can become root bound, google it and you'll see its not a good thing. When you plant a plant in the ground (depending on the species) the roots will grow down in the dirt almost as deep as the plant is tall, the bigger the pot, the bigger the root system, the healthier the plant, the bigger the yield.


Right, which I completely understand. 5Gal is a good size, but i got what i can. I'll still grow some nice honeys regardless.


Heres my first update :D, Not too much goin on yet.
Theyre all under 40 watts of cfl right now. 20watt daylight and a 20watt soft light.
I say they got about a week before I put them in the tent.
Oh and by the way, those white strands over the soil are not roots! Its just one of the parts of the mixture for this soil. Its called "Just Right Extra" It has worm castings and perlite, its perfect.

NYPD 1-3:

NYPD 3-5:


As of right now I have 3 NYPDs and 3 seeds from my last harvest all growing well under the 400MH.

Hopefully I'll make enough money from this one to buy a 600 watt kit and do a side by side perpetual grow.
600 watters have some impressive results.



The 400 watt MH put stress on the seedling, well all except for one. So I turned off the hid and put a 40 watt 67k flourescent fixture inside the tent. These pics are from a week ago, on the day that i set it all up. But now the'yre all healthy again and over their stress. I'll have to take some pics of them for ya soon. NYPD here we come :weed:



I have noticed that nypd's like to have supplemental Co2, at least in my growing environment. have todo a homemade co2 dispenser.


Well-Known Member
not so sure you should use cans dont think the metals would be good and might keep enoughnheat to fry your tender roors


Well-Known Member
Any good ideas on co2 supplementation?
There are some good DIY co2 supplementation methods outlined here in the DIY Forum, here's one I found: (---->CLICK HERE<----)
Apparently using a good brewers yeast like Champagne yeast instead of the readily available bread baking yeast at the groceries store will produce much better/cleaner co2, more of it and for a longer duration. You can get this kind of yeast at your local brewery, however for about $25-$35 you can pick up a co2 bag at your local hydroponic store, there much easier to use and produce excellent supplemental co2, I was using the bottle-fermentation method but now I'll be using these until I get a regulator for my tank, check em out: (---->CLICK HERE<----)


Okay, thanks for the feedback. I'll go to my hydro store and see if they carry those bags.
And since right now they're only under 40 watts of tube fluorescent and the temps are never greater than 71, I think the cans are good just to get those going a little. Theres almost no real source of heat in my tent until i turn that light on.
I do have pots to put them in when I switch to MH.

Also, one of my diesels didnt recieve shock from when I had the MH on, so its growing much faster than the others. its a foot tall while the others are only inches.
At least I know not to put seedlings under my MH until they get about 1.5-2 weeks old. I guess you learn something new every time you grow.