N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Active Member
" The good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow aint as bad as it seems...." b.j.

Haha, that's what immediately started runnin through my head!!

46 and 2 is just ahead of us!! I'm evolving daily!!

What up bro, thank's for stoppin by and sayin Hi!

Thieves need to die. Some little fuckers jacked some shit from my car just last night.

That's alright. Karma's a bitch, and so will my fists be if I catch 'em.

Boom, boom. Out go the lights. remember that one? Pat Travers I think, could be wrong though.

See ya bro!!

Hey Buster! Umm......I'll see if I have any close ups. My camera'a shit for close ups though.

Seems alot of people's is a little slow. Maybe it's mild weather. I know the further north you go, the daylight hours are longer. It'll happen though!!! I actually think this year's gonna be perfect for finishing them off. Let's hope for a mild fall!

Thank's for the props!!

What up Wingman! Are you a failBlazer, I mean Trailblazer fan? Hahaha Just playin!!

I used to live in Portland when they went through their good runs, and I dug watchin 'em. I remember when Shaq was playin for L.A. and doggin on Sabonis durring the playoffs, and I was thinkin it's too bad he didn't get to play him in his prime cause Sabonis would have schooled him up and down the court.

They got crappy for a few years, but it seems they're poised to make a comeback. We'll see?

You know, back when I used to grow while I was livin there I sold weed to Sheed, Bonzi, and J R Rider. One of their friends was friends with one of my best friends, and word got to them that there was some dankness to be found, and we made some deals. I guess you call that name dropping, whatever. Just sayin cause of your avatar. Everybody loves weed!!!!

Yeah, ladder, stilts, somethin!! But I don't know what!?!?!?!? Fuck it! I'll just jump, even though I'm white!!! I can't quite dunk, but I can grab the rim no problem!!!!!

Thank's for droppin in!!!!!:peace:
Thats some good shit. I'm south of ptown in the valley. Watch out for the blazers this season oden will step up. The jailblazers are done with thank god :) I used to buy from duck football players when i was in high school lol. I'm on my first grow and its outdoors. Lookin good been in the low 80's n high 70's for a long time this summer lately. Nice to hear from someone around here or used to be. keep it up im pumped on what i have going on(I have a thread). Going bigger next year and way earlier.


Well-Known Member
All that hard work is gonna be worth it. Looks amazing riz, they are late blooming huh? That 2694 I think it was is looking righteous. Thick and dark stems, yummy. You best be getting some new Fiskars. :leaf:
I gotta ask you, how have you been pleased with the grow bags? It might be too dry around here for them but I have a swampy area been lookin at. I wonder how they do when the buds get heavy????


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow man I will be checking for this when it's done. They're selling water propelled jet packs now. You might be able to use one to get to the top of your plants (LOL).


Well-Known Member
wheres the new journal....??? too stoned I get sometimes???? nah..... just need to smoke some more and look at your pretty plants.... then everything will fall into place ;)


Well-Known Member
All that hard work is gonna be worth it. Looks amazing riz, they are late blooming huh? That 2694 I think it was is looking righteous. Thick and dark stems, yummy. You best be getting some new Fiskars. :leaf:
I gotta ask you, how have you been pleased with the grow bags? It might be too dry around here for them but I have a swampy area been lookin at. I wonder how they do when the buds get heavy????
Hey Slab, sorry for the slow response. The grow bags seem to be workin fine, although they do dry out pretty quick; I have to water them every couple of days right now. This area's water table is really high, so I decided to put 'em in growbags on little platforms so I won't run into trouble later in the season.

I'd stick with the ground if at all possible bro!!

Very nice grow man I will be checking for this when it's done. They're selling water propelled jet packs now. You might be able to use one to get to the top of your plants (LOL).
That had me crackin up!! Jet packs for sure!! Hahaha

Thank's bro!! See ya!

damn dude, I'm blown away by your plants progress... keep it up bromigo.
Hey PG!! I'm glad you like my setup bro!!

Keep watchin!

Hey, again.
Can't wait to get 'em with ya. Tree trimmin I tell ya.
Leo!! Haha I'm gonna need all the help I can get!! I hope so anyway!!

wheres the new journal....??? too stoned I get sometimes???? nah..... just need to smoke some more and look at your pretty plants.... then everything will fall into place ;)
What up TLD!! What new journal are you referring to bro? My new thread? If that's what your talkin about, it's in my sig!!!


Well-Known Member
Here's a few new pics of the growbag girls as of a couple days ago.

It's starting............................finally!! They've done their stretch, and the pistils are startin to pop!!

I think I'm just not used to growing this far north, and having it take sooooooooooooooo long for them to start liftin their skirts and puttin out. I was startin to think maybe they were Amish or Mormon or somethin!!!! Give it up girls!!!! Hahaha:hump:



Active Member
Looking Great! Yeah mine just started to show flowers in the last couple weeks. About a month left I can wait!!!! Nice snake pics also


Well-Known Member
isn't it better to have them show later, for the extra veg time? would this make them comparably bigger, in comparison?


Well-Known Member
looking great man. gonna end up being some huge nugs! hope you can beat the rain and cold coming in. weve had enough rain here to raise the lakes cantwait for it to stop! do you know about how long the strain will take? peace bro good luck and good growing!
do you know what kinda snake it is



Well-Known Member
aaarrrgggghhhhhhh .... I'm fukin chokin' man .... back off a little on the grip ... whaddya think I'm gonna do . ..... hahahahah! snakes are so cool .... well some ... Aussie brands are the sh*t!!



Well-Known Member
Hey riz, add snake handler to your resume. I saw the big cottonmouth at my water hole again and then almost stepped on a small hog nosed snake going to get a closer look at the viper. The grow is looking choice my man.



Well-Known Member
Those cottonmouths are no joke, leave them alone. They do not back down if challenged.:o
I hear ya Hodge. That sucker was as thick as my wrist and about four foot maybe five stretched out. And the little one was a juvenile rat snake. They kinda look like copperheads after they get older.

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
What's up Riznob, been following you for a while now. You asked me to update my journal but I thought my girl killed the plants, but she put them outside! When do you think I should harvest? Do you think I can do it by the 3rd week of September? Remember I'm in the same climate conditions as you.


Well-Known Member
Alright, apologies again on this thread for my lack of posts. I've been busy!!!

Let me go back for a second.................Yeah, just a little garter snake, I've always called those Red Racers, and he was just chillin there so I thought I'd take a couple pics.

Slab!!! Fuck bro, gotta stay away from those cottonmouths!! I know they can kill you pretty quick if you don't get medical attention.

I got bit by a western diamondback rattlesnake a few years ago over in Yakima, and it definately wasn't the funnest experience that I've had. I didn't go to the hospital for about 12 hours, and by that time I was in a little trouble. Heart rate was accelerated, breathing was labored, vision was gettin blurry. When I got to the hospital the medical personnel were a little upset and worried that I had waited so long. It's a long story why I did wait that long, but things turned out okay, and I bear the snake no ill will.

Glad now I only have to worry about bears and cougars, and maybe an occasional pissed off deer!!

So, in the past couple of days I chopped the 2 down that I had scrog'd, and also started harvesting the 6 over at my friend's house. They were all frosty and stinky and sticky as hell, and we should have a nice little haul.

I'll throw some pics of the ones from my friends house up on here. We only made it through 2 of them, one two nights ago, and another one last night, and we'll do the rest of them over the next few days.

If you'd like to see the pics of my little scrog haul, I posted 'em on my scrog thread. Not a whole lot, but it's dankness for sure!!

I know I missed my weekly update of the outdoor stuff, so I'll also throw up a few pics from the last visit.

I'm still gonna be busy for a while, but don't worry, I'm not abandoning you guys!!!! I'll be posting when I have some free time!!


