N tox from foliar, help?


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. Thought id see if i can get some quick help, since its saturday.;)
OK, i mixed up some foliar spray(fish hydrosolyte,molasses,drop o dawn) to give my real pale clones a shot. U could almost watch em get darker. They look ALOT better,of course then yesterday i dropped 2 of the 3 i have. :cuss:

Well the problem i have is, i decided to spray my 2 girls before they get to far in flower, and they were lookin a lil pale. 1 of em LUVED it, the other not so much. I can see the very top is clawin and curled under. I sprayed with jus water to try and wash it off but not workin.
I need to know if anybody knows a way i might be able to help her?
Any help is greatly appreciated!! Any other ?'s let me know, gona work on getin pics up.
Your plant doesn't need Molasses. The organisms living in your soil feed off the molasses. there beneficial to the plant.
I wouldn't use dish soap as a surfactant. Dish soap is more than just a straight up surfactant. chemical that aren't good for your plant.
Your Dawn dish soap is causing you the problems. It's one of the soaps to avoid when using soap as a surfactant.

IMO- buy a cheap surfactant like Wet Betty, or don't use a surfactant. Your foliar will work with out it. Just make sure your foliar feeding shortly after the lights come on.
Your plant doesn't need Molasses. The organisms living in your soil feed off the molasses. there beneficial to the plant.
I wouldn't use dish soap as a surfactant. Dish soap is more than just a straight up surfactant. chemical that aren't good for your plant.
Your Dawn dish soap is causing you the problems. It's one of the soaps to avoid when using soap as a surfactant.

IMO- buy a cheap surfactant like Wet Betty, or don't use a surfactant. Your foliar will work with out it. Just make sure your foliar feeding shortly after the lights come on.

Thx for info on dawn, good to know, but not what caused the problem.
I put cpl drops of molasses for the little buggers 'on' the plant. Ive read good for disease resistance.
I only spray at lights on, or turn cpl lamps off and raise light. My room rarely gets over 80 degrees anyway.
Thx for reply, i really appreciate it.

This is it with other one that was fine with it. The one that was ok is lil older and was from a seed that fell off plant from last run. It came up in pot that its 'mother' was in.
Thx for lookin
ANY opinions? Please! Getin worse, workin down plant. Leaves curlin up and some down. Other one looks good. Thx 4 lookin
Hey everybody. Thought id see if i can get some quick help, since its saturday.;)
OK, i mixed up some foliar spray(fish hydrosolyte,molasses,drop o dawn) to give my real pale clones a shot. U could almost watch em get darker. They look ALOT better,of course then yesterday i dropped 2 of the 3 i have. :cuss:

Well the problem i have is, i decided to spray my 2 girls before they get to far in flower, and they were lookin a lil pale. 1 of em LUVED it, the other not so much. I can see the very top is clawin and curled under. I sprayed with jus water to try and wash it off but not workin.
I need to know if anybody knows a way i might be able to help her?
Any help is greatly appreciated!! Any other ?'s let me know, gona work on getin pics up.

Stop the foliar sprays. Only use Ivory liquid dish soap as a surfactant if you must. 1 tsp/gallon.

What foods are you using, what rate and what frequency? And if you give me snake oil names without the actual NPK and micro values you'll not get an educated answer from me. :)
The lean isnt important.

Stop the foliar sprays. Only use Ivory liquid dish soap as a surfactant if you must. 1 tsp/gallon.

What foods are you using, what rate and what frequency? And if you give me snake oil names without the actual NPK and micro values you'll not get an educated answer from me. :)

Why dont u like foliar? What bout yucca instead of dawn?

Peat based with blood and bone meal, ewc, green potash, perlite, vermiculite, lime, azomite, and jobes organic fert(2-5-3) with mycos, feathermeal, bonemeal, chicken poo, and potash. All blended and cooked for 5 wks, like subs, kinda. Same ratios.
only feedin i did was ~1 tsp each fish hydro and molasses in half gal well water.
Thx for lookin and reply

It's not about me. I foliar spray commercial crops if need be.

Your primary source of nutrition should be at the roots, always. Based on the looks of those plants they don't need foliar sprays. Never used yucca. Does it act as a penetrant, sticker, and spreader?

Peat based with blood and bone meal, ewc, green potash, perlite, vermiculite, lime, azomite, and jobes organic fert(2-5-3) with mycos, feathermeal, bonemeal, chicken poo, and potash. All blended and cooked for 5 wks, like subs, kinda. Same ratios.
only feedin i did was ~1 tsp each fish hydro and molasses in half gal well water.
Thx for lookin and reply

You're cooking them and probably don't have any idea what the ppm and NPK values are that the plants "see". Organics ARE chemicals.

Don't push your plants or they'll do what yours are doing, they'll push back. See my moisture stress thread.

Gotta do more research bout yucca b4 i can say, was hopin u could tell me. :cry:
What i need to know is what can i do to help the clawing and get her backon track.
thx again
So, r u sayin its from moisture stress?
Gotta do more research bout yucca b4 i can say, was hopin u could tell me. :cry:
What i need to know is what can i do to help the clawing and get her backon track.
thx again
So, r u sayin its from moisture stress?

Yes, it's moisture stress. See my sig link. You can flush with soft water but I doubt if it's gonna flatten out. Don't worry about it though. As long as the leaf is still green and healthy it's capable of conducting photosynthesis. Think in those terms.......