Ancient forest is a humus product.... it has no real NPK values... Its awesome for teas and has all sorts of microbial stuff in it, great product IMO........ I am all about the supersoil at the moment but if you havent done a run of supersoil without adding anything aside from what the base ingredients are, I would just make it as directed... However, I ordered some ancient forest myself but its mainly for when I make compost teas and not for adding it to my may not be a bad idea but I would suggest making a small batch of SS and adding it to that and see how it works out if its what you wanna do.
"Ancient Forest is a natural product consisting of 100% pure forest humus. It is derived from thousands of years of naturally decomposed forest litter that contains a wide spectrum of organic compounds. An incredibly high diversity of microorganisms, with more than 35,000 species of bacteria and over 5,000 species of fungi, make Ancient Forest an ideal amendment for gardening and potting soils. Ancient Forest also aids in the retention of water and nutrients; creating stable, long lasting soil for your garden. The immense biological activity also makes Ancient Forest the ideal inoculum for actively aerated compost teas."