(N)I need some N


Active Member
As long as their not heavy in flower, mix up some high N nutes, put in spray bottle and spray away(id do this when lights are off). I personally wouldnt be using my urine, but each to their own.


Well-Known Member
make sure not to over do it and spray both sides of the leaves... It's called foliar feeding, quickest way to get them fed


Well-Known Member
Thanks,thats what I just did,I used something called Vita Grow,See what happens in a thew days or so,Urine you've got to be shitting me,I guess it takes all kinds in this world..


Well-Known Member
Also, don't foliar feed with regular grow nutes at full or even half strength...they might burn the shit outta your leaves...you could try like 1/8th strength and work up from there...


Well-Known Member
12. Urine or Urea - yes, human urine is an excellent source of organic nitrogen for compost teas or as a free nitrogen activator for composting (45% N). (NOTE: Unlike human manure, any pathogens, diseases, or other mild toxins in human urine are quickly killed and digested within 24 hours after they escape the human body. Therefore human urine is very safe for all types of composting methods.)


Active Member
When someone pisses on a fence or something like that , it becomes rusty so imagine what it would do to your plant.


Well-Known Member
someone once explained that the urine has to be broken down to other things before it contains a usable form of nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
odd, suprised no one had shit to say about azos, you either already know , don't know, or don't give a fuck.