N deficiency or nute burn?


Active Member
So... I think everything is good now. The kids are at [pH 5.8 ppm 500]. Soon I'll bump it up to 750.
Did you figure out about the pumps?? You didn't mean 2 pumps in the res, did you?
Right now I have one 290gph pump for the mister setup in the rez and then an ecoplus air-4 with a couple air stones attached. It seems to work really well. Only thing is now my temps go up twice as fast...

For the sprayer timer, right now its 15 min on - 30 off, but when I can I'll cop a digital timer so I can do 1 min on - 4 off or something like that.
I'll get a journal going soon and have pictures up, they are already doing much better and asking for more food.


Well-Known Member
^^Hey for those rez temps I did an experiment and even though I do not have a clear rez I duct taped it and it seems that the one I taped stays about 2 degrees cooler. Just an FYI maybee it'll help.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your PPM is WAY too low to me, most people run it more around the 1000PPM mark or above.

[Edit] Duh, didn't see the other two pages of responses, sorry.