N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????


Well-Known Member
you also stated all I do is copy other people answers and re post them.. please show me where I have done this even 1 time?? Dude Ive been doing this for 10 years so i don't need to post anyone elses words. I try to help people on here because I truly love growing and every aspect about it, if you can take even the smallest amount of ball busting then don't come onto a forum and post STUPID SHIT..
Understandable... i was just tryin to keep it nice and simple, but was just lookin for several opinions on how to handle the problem. I have been looking through threads here for two years and never became a member because I had nothing to say, i preferred to just look and learn and at the point I decided to join, it was something goin on with the forum where it wouldnt allow anyone in. So, yeah maybe I could have explained that a lil better but I think it was the combination of not having a lot of post as well that led to the misconception... but i am not new to growing so I got upset when you put an entire guide up. I understand that a lot of people dont do any research and make post or threads about things that could be easily figured out w/out much effort but i am def not one of those people. so after not speaking and just listening for so long, for it to go that way it was upsetting. But anyway, I am still looking for opinions on the best way to provide N outside of Pro Grow because that is what Im doin but best harvest have been without giving constant veg nutes mixed w/ bloom but rather giving veg every few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Ok IMO the best way is to foliar feed with a food that is higher in nitrogen.. I can't stress this enough, people shouldn't stop using veg food until around the 2nd-3rd week of flowering. MJ still gobbles tons of N during flowering, especially early stages.. I guess my question to you would be? How do you wanna go about it? The quickest way is to foliar feed. Is your food organic? P.s. I wasn't being an asshole on my first comment, i was just messing with you.. So lets start over because I understand when people have problems with their plants it can be quite stressful
Wow no sooner than i think your better than you come off, the page refreshes and I see all the bull beyond "im goin to try to be nice...." LMAO, real big of you! the FACT of the matter is that I can take a lil ball busting but for someone on there way to being a mod you should have addressed my question from the jump, not put something dumb about "the obvious answer here would be to give them N". while you and wetdog were making jokes that I even clicked "like" on, I stated that I was already givin veg nutes to fix the problem. So yeah I took a "lil" ball busting in stride but you are full of yourself and obviously dont like helping others as much as you claim, so why even bother doing something if your goin to do it half-ass or with a smirk on your face. This is a pretty public forum and you dont have an obligation to post on threads, you choose to... All in all im not sure where your perspective is coming from because if YOU re-read the thread you will see exactly what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna argue with you, if you want my help then lets just drop this arguing. If not then someone else can help you.. Good luck
My food is ALL organic and I know that Botanicare is one of the most "ready" (less breakdown) nutrient providers so foliar feediing was my first choice due to the ease of absorption. I just know that doing so in the future would be problematic(buds). and im also not use to seeing "ANY" N def till at least the third really fourth week of flowering. I usually only give two maybe three feeding of veg during flowering total but i have already reached that in the second week.


Well-Known Member
your getting the yellowing because your cutting your vegg food too soon.. Just look at it this way, when your plant flowers she is producing lots of new leaves right? well when you cut the N down then the plant has to rely on itself and stored N in order to feed it for new growth. I would foliar feed everyday until the yellowing stops. Is there a recommended dose rate for foliar feeding on the bottle?


Well-Known Member
On one of my leafier strains Blueberry, I keep veg food going until the 4th week of flowering. I actually double my feeding ratio in flowering then in veg. I blame food companies for this yellowing epidemic because they always tell people to start using at first flowering. 1-2 feeding isn't gonna be enough. Keep it up for a while, won't hurt a bit
your getting the yellowing because your cutting your vegg food too soon.. Just look at it this way, when your plant flowers she is producing lots of new leaves right? well when you cut the N down then the plant has to rely on itself and stored N in order to feed it for new growth. I would foliar feed everyday until the yellowing stops. Is there a recommended dose rate for foliar feeding on the bottle?
makes sense and i yeah i will foliar feed it more. Do you up your dosage on the foliar feed just as you do with regular feeding because Ive always used the same amount throughout?


Well-Known Member
What is the recommended feeding schedule on the bottle, I just did some testing and i found that 3 different food companies were completely off with their amounts.


Well-Known Member
I would start with about half the recommended dose, but then again I don't believe what the bottles say anymore either lol. When you foliar feed make sure that your spraying both sides of the leaves


Scientia Cannabis
Dumbass you cant be serious! I see you have no life and just sit on the forum making random ass statements and reposting the same shit u just read ten minutes ago. Im not new to this, just never needed help wit a problem before that I couldnt find the answer for myself(like most people should). So yeah get a fucking life!
What the fuck.

Max316420 is actually taking his time to try and help you out even though your initial post is not only vague but also extremely hard to understand and respond to.

Why do you act like this?

You say you know you have a N deficiency and you know it for a fact so you won't post pics.

Max then tells you to feed more N to the plants, even giving you the advice to foliar feed for quicker uptake.
Then you proceed to insult him for posting a helpful guide to growing?

What do you need help with then?!

Jesus fucking christ..


I just read on in this shite thread and saw your other posts, how anyone wants to help you is beyond me.
You are probably the most obnoxious person to write in this forum ever.

I'm wasting my time writing this therefore I will stop now.
I do have a ppm but in my opinion it is almost useless when using Organics because of there such weak signature on the reading... I mean a teaspoon of chem ferts will show the same reading that 3 or 4 tsps of organics show. I will also post pics later this evening to give a better understanding once I make it home.


Well-Known Member
Organics are usually waaaaay weaker then chemical foods. but your not reading your meter wrong, i know its scary to add more food because you mite burn them but get your ppm's up to the right level and your plants will love you for it. I tested ff grow big the other night and the recommend 2-3 ts's per gallon but when I tested the 2-3 ts's they only came out to around 600 ppm which it too low. I would trust your ppm meter more then what these dumbass food companies tell you
Organics are usually waaaaay weaker then chemical foods. but your not reading your meter wrong, i know its scary to add more food because you mite burn them but get your ppm's up to the right level and your plants will love you for it. I tested ff grow big the other night and the recommend 2-3 ts's per gallon but when I tested the 2-3 ts's they only came out to around 600 ppm which it too low. I would trust your ppm meter more then what these dumbass food companies tell you
Exactly Ive done the same, i tested the rec'd dose on my orgs before to only get a reading of 400 ppm lol, so I kinda stoped using it with them but I will whip it back out. I was definately afraid of burn being that i was giving as much as i was only to get such a low reading... so I scrap'd the meter instead of the schedule...