N.C Outdoor Grow 2011


Well-Known Member
I just dont know if that one plant will make it ,

I went out earlier to check on em and their was more mold on pretty much every branch , even the main colas

I cut of what i could find , but that does not mean i didn't miss any

She looks so pitiful now , hopeful their will be at least a little left on her for me to smoke

But at least she is the only one infected , the others does not have any mold at all as far as i could see


Well-Known Member
I just dont know if that one plant will make it ,

I went out earlier to check on em and their was more mold on pretty much every branch , even the main colas

I cut of what i could find , but that does not mean i didn't miss any

She looks so pitiful now , hopeful their will be at least a little left on her for me to smoke

But at least she is the only one infected , the others does not have any mold at all as far as i could see
that sucks man i hate losing plants, i just went and looked at onw my NL's I only had 5 seeds made a few clones though, IM down to 3 nl plants 1 looks like shit, plus a few 3 foot clones, But one off my nice ones today was wilted and i was like what the fuck it just rained. And here termites had ate her stalk up i barely touched her and she fell over another 7 footer dead.


Well-Known Member
that sucks man i hate losing plants, i just went and looked at onw my NL's I only had 5 seeds made a few clones though, IM down to 3 nl plants 1 looks like shit, plus a few 3 foot clones, But one off my nice ones today was wilted and i was like what the fuck it just rained. And here termites had ate her stalk up i barely touched her and she fell over another 7 footer dead.
Termites are a fucking hassle ,

I have to deal with them every year , thats the first thing i do , i treat for termites

They ate right up inside my stalk and my plants just wilted , theirs no recovering from termite damage

Here is a pic of that royal hash ,

See how pitiful she looks now



Well-Known Member
Wow this sucks im not sure what to say besides im sry for your guys loss that f'n blows buddys. Man im beside myself right now so i can only imagine what you two are going through. Man......... Im sad now. I would want blood like sit by them and kill everything i see moving bugs animals even my shadow kill them all!


Well-Known Member
Wow this sucks im not sure what to say besides im sry for your guys loss that f'n blows buddys. Man im beside myself right now so i can only imagine what you two are going through. Man......... Im sad now. I would want blood like sit by them and kill everything i see moving bugs animals even my shadow kill them all!
Im not dealing with termites anymore , although their bad here in the woods , but i pre treat for them now so i dont have to worry about them

Now my biggest problem is the mold on the one plant , see how sad it looks in the above pic :(

Have any of you ever heard of using 3 drops of bleach to a gal of water to help with mold and fungi

Im asking because it was just suggested to me about an hour ago and i would like to get you all opinions first ,

Im still going to use the green cure when it gets here , but if the beach step works then maybe i can use that until the green cure arrives


Well-Known Member
Thats how i clean my walls to get mold off:-) But who knows man i dont so i cant give you an opinion on plant use but thats what i use it for is my walls. Did you try google for an answer im look right now.


Well-Known Member
I guess there is no cure for bud rot and i found this it seems to stop or slow spread Serenade Garden Disease Control i will continue to look for ya.


Well-Known Member
I guess there is no cure for bud rot and i found this it seems to stop or slow spread Serenade Garden Disease Control i will continue to look for ya.
That green cure is organic and a fungicide like that serenade garden ,

Iv been looking online about that beach but haven't really found nothing yet , im still looking though uhg lol


Well-Known Member
use 1 part milk 9 parts water and spray it on
try it before the baking soda
Hey fab

Sorry for my ignorance but when it comes to math ratios im a dunce

What is 1 part milk and 9 parts water , like 1 tblsp of milk to a gal of water ?


Well-Known Member
1 gallon of milk 9 gallons of water.
That`s a fucking lot , and i cant begin to break it down to work it out to what im looking for as far as making a gal ,

Call me stupid all day long i dont care lol , how is it broke down for just a gal , how much milk to a gal , a tbsp , 2 tbsp , what ?

Goten- you've still got some beasts. Hopefully you will still have a productive crop.
Thanks my man ,

I really hope so , it just really sucks seeing her mold like that when she has been flowering so beautifully


Well-Known Member
Goten your stupid hahahahahaha sry i had to you told me to:-) Does milk and water really cure bud rot you would think the milk would rot it more and make them smell like roten milk?