Myths and Common misconceptions about our beloved herb. EVERYONE WELCOME! :D

So everyone knows either a myth or misconception about our beloved Mary Jane, but there are so many that everyone might not know what to and what not to believe. So please post what you've heard and your take on whether its true or not. (it helps to have facts to back it up but not all can be proven that way so its understandable if its just an opinion) Please feel free to start discussions and debates about the various myths and misconceptions about weed! :leaf: :D


Well-Known Member
Oh oh I got one: it's a common misconception that topics with myth and misconceptions about MJ do not exist already. :hump:
Everyone I know who doesn't smoke or is against weed always tells me that weed makes people lazy and boring, I think that these people should be slapped. Not just because the anti smokers who are against it will be biased and not listen to a damn word you say, but because these people are the ones who dont smoke, have never smoked, and are just totally mind blocked that they cant see things from any view but their own (if they smoked a little weed maybe their mind would open up a little). Now the people who just don't smoke because they don't like it and have tried it, almost 99.9% of the time have never researched it enough to know there are so many strains and that each have individual properties to their highs, therefore in my mind they have no rightful place to speak bad about or spread that negative stereotype of being a lazy stupid boring pothead, which puts us smokers out their with that kind of image.
Oh oh I got one: it's a common misconception that topics with myth and misconceptions about MJ do not exist already. :hump:
hey hey no need to be a smartass, i didnt see one within the first page or two of topics, and even if there are, big deal i started a newer more recent one. Damn.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Marijuana makes you lazy and slow/dumb: I have a 1500 standard Chess ELO and a 1350 Bullet chess. I run marathons. I smoke before and after runs and chess games.
Marijuana makes you lazy and slow/dumb: I have a 1500 standard Chess ELO and a 1350 Bullet chess. I run marathons. I smoke before and after runs and chess games.
I havent really ever read up on chess or anything but you have me interested lol what exactly do the chess things mean? sorry if its a stupid question


Well-Known Member
The fact that most see cannabis users as malcontents, that they're a bane to society when in fact it's completely the opposite.

I'm not one to point fingers but in this case I would have to say that the guys in your avi Cheech ;) are a huge {somewhat negative} impact on how people views us and it's unfortunate that thier stereo type of a weed smoker has become the iconic look of a stoner...irony maybe?


Active Member
stoner movies are not movies about pot, they are movies that are hilarious or trippy when you watch them high.


Well-Known Member
Plants coming out of their pots and beating senior citizens to death is a total misconception, that stuff never happens. One or two incidents and people start spreading stories.