
Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't know if i would flatly call it a myth. it refers to having a very long smoke session and to look up at some point and say, "what the fuck? i'm not even high."
i have a few explainations for this. the first is that maybe the weed isn't very good, but that seems like a copout to me.
another explaination could be that you've been smoking for so long your initial buzz wore off and now you're in some fucked up burnout stage and you don't feel high.
a third explaination is that you are so fucking high you can't tell shit from shinola.

i have experienced this phenomenon, but not in a while, so i can't say for sure. i don't feel comfortable calling a myth, just something that's misunderstood.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it is a myth. It's not that your not high any more. It's that you've been high for so long, or that you have just had so much THC go through you, that your body is used to it. So, until you take a break or sleep, the only thing weed can do for you at that point is continue you on your non sober mindset. Not really get you any higher than you are. Your getting used to it basically. Not sober, adapted.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure it is a myth. It's not that your not high any more. It's that you've been high for so long, or that you have just had so much THC go through you, that your body is used to it. So, until you take a break or sleep, the only thing weed can do for you at that point is continue you on your non sober mindset. Not really get you any higher than you are. Your getting used to it basically. Not sober, adapted.
Like some kind of superhuman, nice. I like your style of thinking


Active Member
I know people that swear they've drank themselves sober.
My dad was alcoholic so I know it was : another explaination could be that you've been smoking for so long your initial buzz wore off and now you're in some fucked up burnout stage and you don't feel high.
a third explaination is that you are so fucking high you can't tell shit from shinola. <<< THAT IS THE ANSWER!


Well-Known Member
ive smoked myself sober before.
no way is it a myth.
it just happens somehow when you smoke alot of ganj.

if i knew the explanation id tell you, but its deffinately not a myth.

peace :D


Well-Known Member
remember one time, smoked all night and primo stuff, yet in the morning when we were getting home, didnt really feel high or didnt notice it.

which is probably the point

cops came over once, needed to sign some shit, now, before they came, i didnt feel that high, mellow (long time smoker)

but once they appeared, shit did i feel high lol :) even started to notice that i had somewhat of a trouble focusing :)

and thats the thing, smoke long enough and you and your body get used to it. gets to be a normal thing, your normal self.

but put the body into an adrenaline overdrive and you suddenly notice "hey shit! im impaired! :)"

but usually people that smoke all the time have good reasons for doing so, so that its acceptable (its to me (dont really need 100% focus all the time :) (smoke indicas (love sativas too, just cant smoke them all the time)


Active Member
ive smoked a bit then clicked my neck and then swear it made me sober again no shit, but thts the only time its happend to me and ive smoked way mre thn i did that night

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
I don't can one get "sober" by smoking marijuana?

And how can one get "high" from using cannabis?

I would like to know do you all think you are really "high" after smoking cannabis? Like you can't drive, or walk or talk to people normally? C'mon we all know mj alters the mind but this stigma about it interfereing with day to day activity is BS. It's all about frame of mind. If you think you can't do something, there is a good chance you won't be able to do it, whether you are "high" or not.

Also what about indica-dom strains that are used medicinally to treat insomnia among other things? Are you really "high" after taking a huge rip of some kush and falling asleep? If this is the case, alcohol gets you high as well.

Many will disagree but I don't think you can get "high" off marijuana in the first place...besides maybe the first few times you experience it because it tends to be so a mental awakening. Right should be the word to describe the buzz.

Stop associating cannabis with criminal mischeif!!!! Then maybe it will be more accepted.


Well-Known Member
It happened to me with weed and beer.I know its true cause my friend that i was smoking with all day had the same experience as me.But its not like i could do it anytime i want it just happened a couple of times.With beer it happens more often,the first couple of beers always get me more buzzed and relaxed.


New Member
I don't can one get "sober" by smoking marijuana?

And how can one get "high" from using cannabis?

I would like to know do you all think you are really "high" after smoking cannabis? Like you can't drive, or walk or talk to people normally? C'mon we all know mj alters the mind but this stigma about it interfereing with day to day activity is BS. It's all about frame of mind. If you think you can't do something, there is a good chance you won't be able to do it, whether you are "high" or not.

Also what about indica-dom strains that are used medicinally to treat insomnia among other things? Are you really "high" after taking a huge rip of some kush and falling asleep? If this is the case, alcohol gets you high as well.

Many will disagree but I don't think you can get "high" off marijuana in the first place...besides maybe the first few times you experience it because it tends to be so a mental awakening. Right should be the word to describe the buzz.

Stop associating cannabis with criminal mischeif!!!! Then maybe it will be more accepted.
its just a word to describe the feeling like acid you trip but you don't actually trip.

I took gravity bong hits once and I started seeing blue sky with white clouds and I had a heavy floating feeling. It was like an instant dream

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
@ Nusky

lol i dunno I sometimes have trouble walking on that's when I consider myself "high". I really can't drive or operate any heavy machinery....hell I can barely play a game of cards on shrooms


Well-Known Member
Think about it. Some people get connected to plants just gardening. I have this girl in my veins and brain ALL DAY.


Well-Known Member
i agree. i smoke sometimes and feel like, hey, is it me or did that 8th bong rip do nothing? than i drop and do some push ups or use the chin up bar. nothing fast. just slow controlled movement, than before you know it that feeling comes over me. yyeepp. im hiiggghh. yesterday night around midnight i took a stroll through the nieghbor hood because i was bored and wanted the excrrcise. i took a couple bong rips before and 15mins in i was like not high.... than i walked up on a unchained dog. so ya, adrenaline def. letme know that i was indeed still high as fuck.