Mystery's Bedroom Grow - 12/12 Journal.


Well-Known Member
What branch did you enlist in mystery? Why only two months? FYI, I don't want mess your journal up having side conversations, let me know if it bugs you.


Well-Known Member
Infantry bro.. I didn't come home right away though.

Anyway it doesn't bother me people post on here... I don't like it when threads are real anal about stupid shit and just nonsense which I see all the time.

This journal is more so for me I guess you can say. I'll be posting pics on a day-day basis so be on the lookout

Tomorrow i'll take some pics of my bitches (hopefully:wink:)


Well-Known Member
Today I fed them, and moved them around a bit in my tent.

I used:
1/2 Tsp of Tiger Bloom
2 Tbs of Big Bloom
15 Ml of Sweet
2 Tsp on Liquid Karma

I know for a fact that I have 2/7 females, but I am pretty sure one of them is a male. When I was watering, I was also checking the calyxes to see if any balls/hairs were present. I found tiny ass balls, but I just let it chill in there until they become visible enough to throw it away.

Pic 1 is my nutes
Pic 2 and 3 are just pics of some tops
Pic 4 - The two in the back are females. The one in the middle back..and right back. The rest are unknown as of now.

How do they lookbongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Oct. 16 - The seeds sprouted in 16oz party cups. I have 3 bagseeds that were from some dank ass bud, and the other 3 were ordered online. LOL unfortunatlly I didnt mark them up, so I dont know which is which now.
only makes the grow more interesting, best of luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
looking very nice bro, im pumped for ya, im not too far behind so check my out in a few days
Thanks bro, i'm excited as hell.. I cant wait to differentiate the female/males so I can predict yield, and have more space lol. Ill check your grow out bro, keep me posted.:joint:

you taking pictures with an iPhone?
Nope an instinct :wink:

only makes the grow more interesting, best of luck to ya!
Word. I'll have a lil' variety goin on:leaf: Hopefully one of the bagseeds will be fem. All I know is of the 7 plants (one with only 2 weeks veg in a 1/2 gal pot)
-2 are THC Bomb
-1 is Mazar
-And the rest are seeds mids

More to come tomorrow guys


Well-Known Member
Heres day 2 of flowering.
They've grown a couple of inches in the last 2 days also...

Im pissed off because I do know what females look like (have 2) but three of my plants dont have pistils but instead these little balls.

I need room but FUCK 3 have the same things. There so little that I choose to just keep them in there until I know forsure..

Guess we'll know in a couple of days though right.



Well-Known Member
the THC bomb could be the 2 big ones, and the Mazar the one to the left (left when lookin at the picture)
bag seed grow a lot weaker than Bred Seeds is what ive been hearing


Well-Known Member
If it got balls and not a vajayjay with two hairs then its male... you have time to let them in as long as your not flowering into the third week they wont pop and spread there love... Great looking shit bra... subscribed for sure... I like the tent idea not sure but I may do that shit.. my closet is in my living room and nosy ass people always open it even when i didnt grow in it... fuckers.

Looking great keep up the good work

I love horticulture is like a hobby with attitude!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bra.. The tent is in my room, and I keep those doors locked up when I leave. I dont want people fucking with my grow when i'm not around.

Yeah i'm gonna let them get a little bigger before I toss the males, just so I can make sure ya know.

Shit hopefully I at least get 3 females in this shit cuz I wanna toke up hard when its all said n done. Fuckin sick of this weak ass seedy ass brown ass dirty ass not even gettin that high ass SHWAGGG we have around my town:evil:...n 4get payin 25 a g


Well-Known Member
Thanks bra.. The tent is in my room, and I keep those doors locked up when I leave. I dont want people fucking with my grow when i'm not around.

Yeah i'm gonna let them get a little bigger before I toss the males, just so I can make sure ya know.

Shit hopefully I at least get 3 females in this shit cuz I wanna toke up hard when its all said n done. Fuckin sick of this weak ass seedy ass brown ass dirty ass not even gettin that high ass SHWAGGG we have around my town:evil:...n 4get payin 25 a g

I know how you feel, I'm tires of spending money at my local dispensaries. I want to eventually have six months supply.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i'm gonna let them get a little bigger before I toss the males, just so I can make sure ya know.
Since it was my understanding that a male can pollinate another plant from a long ways away, I always thought it would be generous (and a bit idealistic) for someone growing some dank and ending up with males to throw one in the middle of the woods (if the outdoor schedule was right) imagine the suprise for someone plantin those seeds just growing with some dirt weed.


Well-Known Member
Since it was my understanding that a male can pollinate another plant from a long ways away, I always thought it would be generous (and a bit idealistic) for someone growing some dank and ending up with males to throw one in the middle of the woods (if the outdoor schedule was right) imagine the suprise for someone plantin those seeds just growing with some dirt weed.
Yeah, and imagine if you're the guy growing some nice dank outdoor bud and some schmuck tosses his male outside and seeds your whole crop. That's not "generous"... it's careless and inconsiderate to anyone growing outdoors.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I only medicate about 2-3 times a week.
Dang bro thats it? I haven't smoked in 7 days:shock: and im pretty ticked off. Gotta take a drug test so I have to be clean, but I usually smoke everyday. Maybe 2-3 times a day. But thats the reg smoke, not the good shit. Im just a smoker..

I still haven't determined sex of the other 4 plants yet, hopefully I will in a couple of days:confused:

Ill post pics later on today


Well-Known Member
Mystery, if you have faith inyourself, I know how you can pass a drug test with ease.

Ive used this method 15+ times for when I used to be on probation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. I'm pretty sure im gonna pass just because I got the drink from my local shop for 20bucks:shock:, and this is my 3rd time taking these lol..

Ill take pics in a little bit, and post them.. Not much has changed and I still havent figured out which ones are males/females except for 2.