Mystery Weed: What kind of grass do you think I have?

Hi there. I'm kinda new and I have a grow going. It's actually growing one of these very plants at the moment.

I'd love to know if any of you super experienced folks can help me figure out what it is that I'm smoking. I don't see the dealer directly, and I don't know if he grows it. I live in Lima Peru, which is deserty and makes for a decent weed growing environment. The schwag here is actually like your mids in the USA.

But through another friend we found some really good home grown stuff.

Here is a picture of one of the many buds of this I've been smoking.


This is my last bud until the next buy, hopefully soon. Paydays Monday... gotta make it last!

Anyway I'm not super experienced so this is my observation so far:

It seems like a hybrid, not pure Indica or Sativa, but I think more Sativa. I really can't say for sure since I've never knowingly smoked either, but from reports I've read and reviews, it fits.

A little smoke or two from the bong gets me pretty laughy and social and more interactive with things. I'll write, or read a lot more, or talk more with friends.

It's a little more couch-locking and drowsy than laughy when you smoke it a lot.

I get visual ripples when I'm really baked, and video becomes a lot more interesting. Music too. I find I'm better off alone in that case. And I prefer to stay inside on it.

Paranoia is mild but does occur at times. Doesn't help that I'm growing too.

Smoke itself is pretty normal, I can't notice any flavor because I'm no conniseur. But it's definitely not hard to take.

Physically when fresh the bud is dark green and really really sticky. Like touch it with your finger and it comes off the ground sticky. But not a lot of crystals all over the place. You have to be really up close to notice. It looks a little hairy though. Some brown hairs inside mostly dark green buds.

Anyway thats my review. Sound like anything you've ever tried? If my plant grows up and gets big, you can check my journal here and see if that helps you identify it.



Active Member
its anybodys guess dude,I dont know of anyone that can tell you one strain from another by looking,now if your willing to hand out some samples someone may be able to help you out

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Most likely its a local landrace variety... If it were brand name, you probably would have heard the name as people are always proud to have namebrand weed
Yeah I don't know how knowledgable the locals are. But a lot of stuff grows here in Peru. Could just be some local stuff.

It seems to resemble Skunk/Kush...


Active Member
Cute nug, it looks like very decent stuff. Nice coloring on the trichomes!
Your description sounds like every weed I've tried! I wish that I could help you but what I can say is it doesn't look like shwag.
I agree very strong chance you have something locally done. People always flaunt when they have that top shelf!
Do you think you could have some sort of haze strain? Just a thought, not a definite. But haze usually has that quality, where its uplifting when at first and then the more you smoke, the more of an indica feeling you experience.
Again unfortunately I'm not totally knowledgable enough to say whether its a haze or not.

But it's pretty good stuff to be honest, best I've ever smoked. Makes me sleepy as hell tho.

It's not indigenous to the country, came from Spain. But apparently it grew well here because a lot of hemp farms were put up in Peru.

And yeah I just doubt anybody here is buying seeds from amsterdam. Nobody in Peru buys online with credit cards, they don't trust it. Plus it can be more complicated, sometimes gotta call the bank and such. Plus with strict customs on plants, I don't see many guys importing exotic strains.

Hopefully my seeds arrive and I'll be first.