Mystery Seed Grow - I named her Molley


Well-Known Member
hey I just found this thread and didnt get a chance too read all the way through im stonned and making you my last post befor im off to bed.
but your not feeding them girls with the nutes yet are ya? they will be just fine without it. also make sure you let the soil completly dry out befor each watering. and allow lots of runoff when you do water. at this point in her life it will promote strong root growth..

nice looking grow tho. I will subb up and see how things work out.
she just got flushed the day before the last pics. thats why shes droopy and also I took the photos right after misting under the leaves. I'll see how she looks in a few hours and post some photos.
Ahh okay no worries. when it gets closer to root binding you can allways pull it again and put more soil under it to fix that. Like I said though, great looking plants.

Snoochie Boochies!
When will I know I can ? And how much will that stress her if any, its only one girl ;)
hey I just found this thread and didnt get a chance too read all the way through im stonned and making you my last post befor im off to bed.
but your not feeding them girls with the nutes yet are ya? they will be just fine without it. also make sure you let the soil completly dry out befor each watering. and allow lots of runoff when you do water. at this point in her life it will promote strong root growth..

nice looking grow tho. I will subb up and see how things work out.
She is in her sixth week from seed. I started a very mild feeding 10 days ago everyother feeding. GrowBig and big bloom from foxfarms. using 1/2 strength. she really perked up after her first dose but I rearranged the grow room to facilitate a perpetual grow and her environment changed so I'm not sure how shes taking it. Shes been in a cabinet now for two days under a different light. I just need her to stay small and bushy and create lots of clones.


Active Member
When will I know I can ? And how much will that stress her if any, its only one girl ;)
You want the root ball to be thick enough that it wont break up when you pull it out of the bucket. I would say about 2-3 weeks would be good. As far as stress it is no different then transplant shock. I use KLN from dyna gro when I am transplanting and it seems to reduce transplant shock, should check it out. As long as you let the root ball get large enough before pulling it however you will not stress the plant greatly, and it will allow for more roots which will equal more cannopy, which will equal more clones for you to take, and a larger yelid when you cut a clone for a new mother and flower this one out.

Snoochie Boochies!


Well-Known Member
She is in her sixth week from seed. I started a very mild feeding 10 days ago everyother feeding. GrowBig and big bloom from foxfarms. using 1/2 strength. she really perked up after her first dose but I rearranged the grow room to facilitate a perpetual grow and her environment changed so I'm not sure how shes taking it. Shes been in a cabinet now for two days under a different light. I just need her to stay small and bushy and create lots of clones.
cool sounds like your taking it slow on them nutes.. remember soil has all the food it needs to get the plant thru her first couple months if not longer of her life.. so baby steps is good if you are using them..
Ok so were at day 2 after flush and cabinet placement. I don't think she likes the new environment. I'm thinking I need to mount another pc fan on the cab, one for exhaust. She also doesnt seem to like the new lights so for now until the cabinet is up to par ive moved her ontop back under the light she was doing so wel under. The closet is ventillated much better than the cabinet. Guys tell me what you think. Also I had to remove 4 leaves from the bottom of the plant. They were withered up and I figured removing them before pests attacked was the correct route to go. Heres todays a before and after of flush and cabinet move.
IMAG0274.jpgIMAG0275.jpgIMAG0276.jpgIMAG0277.jpgTodays pics. Take a look at the leaves and let me know what you think she needs. Like I said I think the stale cabinet and new light may be the culprit.

Here is before and after
Ok I normally don't snap photos during sleep period but I was curious how the first night back in her regular environment would help her recover from the soil flush. She looks frail still but from the top down her leaves are starting to spread out again and I'm hoping she will make a full recovery. I'm still not sure, but I suspect the flush and new environment all at once was more than she needed stress wise. I'm thinking some 2ft 4 bulb t5s for my cabinet or making a cfl tree. Prolly gonna do the cfl tree cause I don't live anywhere near a grow store and I like DIY. HTG does have a nice t5 setup for 69 bucks. Thats where I got my 400HPS/MH light/ballast. Watched a really good video on making cloners this morning. So heres what Molley looked like and I will update again this afternoon.
Ok I need some expert advise on my grow space. I am working with 4'x3'x10 grow space. I really wanted to do a perpetual grow. The cabinet I have takes up half the floor space but is only a few feet tall so there is room to flower ontop as well on the floor infront. the problem I can forsee is having to move the plants on the floor out of the way of the cabinet doors. I really just want the most weight I can get out of the room as timely as possible. Can anyone help me design the best use of the space I have. Right now the equipment I have Is 2 4ft 2 bulb t12s and a 400watt hps/mh ballast and hood. Would I be better off letting my Molley veg for a couple of months and grow a monstrocity or divide the growspace and take clones and run perpetual. I think If I am going to stay perpetual the huge cabinet will have to go. Perhaps a Tall slender cabinet would be better suited. You can see my grow space in previous posts.


Active Member
Ok I need some expert advise on my grow space. I am working with 4'x3'x10 grow space. I really wanted to do a perpetual grow. The cabinet I have takes up half the floor space but is only a few feet tall so there is room to flower ontop as well on the floor infront. the problem I can forsee is having to move the plants on the floor out of the way of the cabinet doors. I really just want the most weight I can get out of the room as timely as possible. Can anyone help me design the best use of the space I have. Right now the equipment I have Is 2 4ft 2 bulb t12s and a 400watt hps/mh ballast and hood. Would I be better off letting my Molley veg for a couple of months and grow a monstrocity or divide the growspace and take clones and run perpetual. I think If I am going to stay perpetual the huge cabinet will have to go. Perhaps a Tall slender cabinet would be better suited. You can see my grow space in previous posts.
After I finish working on my room for the day I will sit down and see what I can do to help you organize it out bro. Just will be about 4 or 5 hours before I can get to it.



Active Member
Ok I need some expert advise on my grow space. I am working with 4'x3'x10 grow space. I really wanted to do a perpetual grow. The cabinet I have takes up half the floor space but is only a few feet tall so there is room to flower ontop as well on the floor infront. the problem I can forsee is having to move the plants on the floor out of the way of the cabinet doors. I really just want the most weight I can get out of the room as timely as possible. Can anyone help me design the best use of the space I have. Right now the equipment I have Is 2 4ft 2 bulb t12s and a 400watt hps/mh ballast and hood. Would I be better off letting my Molley veg for a couple of months and grow a monstrocity or divide the growspace and take clones and run perpetual. I think If I am going to stay perpetual the huge cabinet will have to go. Perhaps a Tall slender cabinet would be better suited. You can see my grow space in previous posts.
Okay, finished working on my room for tonight. before I start coming up with any ideas, what sort of budget do you have for new eq, home depot runs ect. or is it figure out something with what you have. makes a big difference in my ideas! :)

Okay, finished working on my room for tonight. before I start coming up with any ideas, what sort of budget do you have for new eq, home depot runs ect. or is it figure out something with what you have. makes a big difference in my ideas! :)

I'm gonna order a inline fan w/ carbon filter combo for 120 Thinking im gonna mount it inside the cab and use the cab as the flower area and the top of the cab as the veg. In this idea im not using the floorspace infront of the cab. gives me room to work in the room and takes care of several issues. I mounted the hps in the cab fits like a glove and gives about 30 inches of height and 36width with about 24 inches depth. If you have a better idea shoot but im not trying to spend more than 2-300 over next 2 weeks. A 400 watt in that small space should make some dense nugs


Active Member
I'm gonna order a inline fan w/ carbon filter combo for 120. Thinking im gonna mount it inside the cab and use the cab as the flower area and the top of the cab as the veg. In this idea im not using the floorspace infront of the cab. gives me room to work in the room and takes care of several issues. I mounted the hps in the cab fits like a glove and gives about 30 inches of height and 36width with about 24 inches depth. If you have a better idea shoot but im not trying to spend more than 2-300 over next 2 weeks
Okay, just looked at your setup and here is what I would do with your space. I wouldnt hold a mother at all, what I would do is in the bottom cab, put in a 2 foot t5, either 2 or 4 bulb, pref 4 bulb if it would fit in there. I would focus on doing one plant per cycle, so veg this one out, lsting and toping as much as possible for about 3-4 weeks. At that point, cut 8-10 clones, and then move that plant up top, and place a screen to scrog the plant under to even out the light from the 400 and start flowering. Place the clones in the cab and start growing them out. After week 2 again of continous lsting, and toping, select the healthies plant of the 8-10 and veg it out again topping and lsting to keep it as short as possible but with as many shoots as you can get. the first yeild will be light due to the short veg, but after that you will end up with plants that are trained very short and have 40-75 shoots sup since they will have veged for 8-12 weeks strain dependant. under a 400w with a scrog that plant there will yeild very good numbers as long as your genitics are good and you can get your nutes where you like them. Its still a perpetual grow, but an 8 week instead of a 3 week. With your space I would really suggest doing it that way rather then trying to do 3 week like I am. Had I not built the room I am building there is no way in the space I had avalible I could do what I am working on now, so I would have stayed the way i am mentioning as well. Let me know if I need to go in more detail. Am hoping a few others I have been talking to of late are watching your journal as well so they can chime in. Let me know if ya need any thing bro.

i think that the space above the cab and inside are about the same. With the hps in the cab i can keep my 4 fters and not have to buy another light. I can use that money for the fan/filter combo. Once I take the clones off my current girl and put her into flower will I be able to take clones from the strongest clone when it is old enough? Is that how I keep the perpetual going in this example?


Active Member
i think that the space above the cab and inside are about the same. With the hps in the cab i can keep my 4 fters and not have to buy another light. I can use that money for the fan/filter combo. Once I take the clones off my current girl and put her into flower will I be able to take clones from the strongest clone when it is old enough? Is that how I keep the perpetual going in this example?

Yes in the perpetual I am speaking of you would take your clones right as you are going into flowering. Search for Flowermaster on this site, and check out his grows. Thats where I got that for of perpetual idea from. What happened to your girls. I am not the expert at diagnosing, but if I dont know it, I know the people to direct ya to for help.



Active Member
Also, take a look at the LED without LED forum on here, might give you an idea of what I am speaking of about the t5 veging lighting. Or if you need I can take a pic of my lighting and my veg area if it helps any.