Mystery seed, first grow, CFL


Well-Known Member
What size are the holes for the fans? I'd recommend getting some booster fans of that size and pop 'em in there. Willing to bet that would deal with your heat issue. Man once I've seen what a proper fan could do I wont tell anyone to get anything else. it's really amazing the difference it makes.


Well-Known Member
A little over 5 inches, it says 130mm

I won't start a new thread until I have it dialed in but here are a few pics of what it's like so far. The plants were in there for a few hours today. Tomorrow I'm going to do a cheap c02 setup...



Well-Known Member
No offense, but in my opinion, i would worry more about getting the heat down, instead of the co2 generator. But then again, i don't know much.


Well-Known Member
No worries, the fans are my number one priority, I'm on craigslist right now to see if I can find a deal. The c02 is just an easy and cheap setup in the meantime, just need a bottle, tubes, suger, yeast and water. The temps were down around 86 and the humidity around 40 when I left the zipper cracked open to let some air come out, the problem is it's not a permanent setup. I'd like to get it to where all I have to do is water them every few days and that's it.


Well-Known Member
Dude, i was researching cheap fans and i got a great tip, if you can find an old A/C unit on craigslist or kijiji you can dismantle it and take the fan outa it.....I found one for free cause the freon didn't work, but the fans was wicked.....just some food for thought!


Well-Known Member
Just worried about the electric bill, the good news is if I do that route I will be able to keep it in my bedroom since that was my biggest concern during the summer


Well-Known Member
LOL!! ya think.....i think he'd be fine if he set it up properly, it would defiantly fix his heating issues, no CFM rating in the specification does have three speed setting so you have some leaway!


Well-Known Member
I can only afford one right now until next week, should I use it to push air in or push air out?


Well-Known Member
IMHO exhaust is the most important, air will find its way in! and you probably wont need something that strong to bring air in, then you are assured the suction on the chamber is greater.


Well-Known Member
I'll go look for one at my local Home Depot tomorrow, at least I have the option to return it if it doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
I'll go look for one at my local Home Depot tomorrow, at least I have the option to return it if it doesn't work.
I have one sitting in my garage, but it belongs to my father in law. Also, it looks like one of the seeds you gave me is pushing it's way up :)