Mystery Purps, not in the best shape


Well-Known Member
I had been seeing a lot of baggies of two different strains of purps walking past and happened to find a few seeds in them. I don't know what strains they are (somewhere in the purple family,) but they are growing. This is my first grow. If all goes well I will expand. For now, closet.

Some of the leaves are yellowing on the edges. At first I thought I was burning them with my lights, but I raised them to at least a ft above last weekend and still no change. Nitrogen deficiency? One of the leaves on one plant is even bending downward.

The ones on the right in each pot in the first two pictures is 3 weeks old. They were under daylight for just over a week when they germinated. Now they are as you see, spindly and slow growing. The smaller two are almost 2 weeks old. They were under these lights since germination. Any ideas why they are so tall and thin? The tallest can't stand on it's own anymore, thanks to the fan. Most pictures I see show plants having three sets of leaves by this hight with much thicker stems.

I have them in a miracle grow seed sprouting soil and water them with tap water, but soon I will have a filter for the water and move them into bigger buckets of potting soil and pumice with rocks at the bottom. Hate me for using miracle grow, but at least tell me what you would do.

Here are my babies.

This is my low budget veg room.

Please give me feedback.


Well-Known Member
You need to keep the flo's about an inch away from them. That is why they are stretching and not leafing out. You will have to add nutrients for sure pretty soon, but first you need to be able to PH the water to make sure it's within tolerable limits. You want the water you water them with to be about 6.5-6.8 .


Well-Known Member
put the light about 2 inches off the top of your plants. that will keep them from stretching so much

other than that, i'd say let them do their thing. they're too small too really do too much for them.


Well-Known Member
I moved the lights down to an inch or two above the plants.
You don't that yellowing is something to worry about?


Well-Known Member
i have the same type of lights, i'd keep them within 3-4 inches of the plants and get a small computer fan or some type of fan to give them a gentle breeze (can help make the stems stronger) other than that good luck with your grow

Oh and from what i've read you should only be giving your seedlings water no nutes yet. I made that mistake with mine in the beginning to.

Take a look at the start of my grow i was having similar probs


Well-Known Member
i have the same type of lights, i'd keep them within 3-4 inches of the plants and get a small computer fan or some type of fan to give them a gentle breeze (can help make the stems stronger) other than that good luck with your grow

Oh and from what i've read you should only be giving your seedlings water no nutes yet. I made that mistake with mine in the beginning to.

Take a look at the start of my grow i was having similar probs
I've heard too many people say they burned their roots with nutes when the plants were young to chance it. I took a look, nice work.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have anything to say about the curled, browning leaf? It seems cbraaszsy's grew out of it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, but I don't think that straw is a good idea. If you get moisture in there your sprout will get soft and eventually start to mold.

Get a skewer and gently tie it up, or you could get a plastic fork and let it rest between the forks.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, but I don't think that straw is a good idea. If you get moisture in there your sprout will get soft and eventually start to mold.

Get a skewer and gently tie it up, or you could get a plastic fork and let it rest between the forks.
Good idea.


Well-Known Member
I've been doing a lot of lurking around the forums and have decided to add CFLs to my grow. It seems that a lot of plants are growing much faster and stronger on CFLs than fluorescents. I will update when I decide how many/get them.