mysterious dark orange hair


Active Member
my plat is still veggin outside on its 5th week and its about 13in tall. at the 10th node where those little green spike things poke out is and orange hair on top of the green long thing. now this is kinda cool cause there arent any at all anywhere else on the plant and thats the onlly one. i would take a pic of it, but my cam cant focus that precise. what could it be?


Well-Known Member
pictures help.. :|

i understand your camera problems.. but a picture would really help if possible.


Active Member
right at the node where the 2 little green things are crossing the one on the right has an orange hair at the top


New Member
lol well i have the SAME THING!! i cant see it but the way you describe it is perfect. it is exactly where the pistils are supposed to come out. they start off like strands and they are lightish orange and they get more and more darker and less strandish they start gettin quivered and start bending. mine have been like that on two node areas for 3-4 days. i have a post with a high focus camera on super macro. the post is "female?"


Well-Known Member
Once a marijuana plant reaches "maturity" , it shows what is called pre-flowers. They are the first indication of the plant's sex usually found around the 4th week of veg, hen the plant is 6-8 weeks old. Photoperiod does not influnce the rate or growth of pre flowers, again preflowers are a sign of a mature marijuana plant and a sign that it is ready to flower, and that it is a female or male.

your sounds female, males would have little pods, or "balls" dangling instead of pistils (the orange hairs).


New Member
yeah my post is on page 5 of outdoors. i put "female?" without quotations. on pic 7 and 8 click the pic 3 times to zoom in as far as you can. i have drawn lnes to the pistil like things. arent they supposed to be white before they are orange though? lol and they are nowhere near half an inch in length. like heshy said they are very very small.


New Member
oh and on mine its id say 2 feet tall with about 15 main nodes. than the other branching it grew within the past 2 weeks


Active Member
how the fuck did that happen???? yeah dude im soooo stoked that its a female!!!!! i feel so accomplished (since this is my 2nd grow) its a hybrid bagseed i think also


New Member
i mean only two sets of leaves got bent but its just as if i would make them stronger when they heal. im worried about the main stem. cause idk if it would still go into flowering like it was goin to or i it would stunt it or even worse kill it =( i have a little rock under it where its at now so it puts less stress on the hurt side cause it still wants to lean over a bit. other than that it looks like it did before it fell


Active Member
well its been through so much already so all you can do now is take care of it dude. i say you main concern is the stem. i say dig it deeper in the soil and water it.