Mysterious condition dubbed 'scromiting' hits weed smokers across the US

You guys are smoking poisonous weed ,never in 30 plus years have I heard of this and know many growers & users , I would never use or buy any weed from LPs and unknown growers god knows what you guys are putting in your lungs wow

I've been listening to this issue for over 15 years now. It's real and it's not chemicals or anything to do with the weed additives. I've heard the "stories" of neem oil or pesticides possibly causing it but it never really checked out. Some people's immune systems (or gut receptors) are prone to this condition for some reason. Usually it occurs in heavier smokers but not always. I guess the reason I've been watching this so close is my own fear that it will happen with me. My daughter's ex has the condition too. He was prescribed pain pills (perks) and he did a few rounds of steroids. He did seem to recover after a couple of years and now smokes again but takes it "easy". I feel for these people, it's just not fair!

There are tons of stories on the Norml website from over 10 years ago if you're interested.
I have read about theories of it being related to use of neem oil, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the root cause (smoking azadirachtin)

I think it is different being a meal used in the soil, but when sprayed continually then harvested I would bet that oil when smoked causes this
I was scromiting yesterday ( screaming vomiting at the same time) Horrible and scary cuz i was trying to breath. So I went to the hospital this morning and after the blood test, heart test, uring test, ultrasound, everything turned out healthy. She looked at and she told me it`s cannabis. I almost slapped her for that. I had 5 min to calm down and then I apologized and said i`m no doctor i`m open ears. Fuck me she hit it right on the nail. I was surprised to hear such a thing. My 20's 100% consumption chronic. i`m my 30's 0% intake since my work required piss test in the oil sands. now i`ve been smoking for 2 years straight 2oz a month just for myself. And this shit happen. I do wish it on my enemies cuz it`s a fucking bitch to over come. Your in bed all day. Hot shower or bath takes it away but as soon your out of the shower it comes again. My doctor prescribed me CAPSAISIN CREME 1% on my abdomen.
This shit is so vicious that i`m scared to smoke a bowl.

I am feeling this is due to commercial marijuana.
These huge grows deal with powdery mildew, molds and bugs.
So I know they are spraying the shit out of it.
And on top, they will sell powdery mildew weed.
I think that before, it wasn't so poisonous.