well if im still in this house i will be extendeing the length of it from 18ft to 36ft long.. go back to 8ft to 81/2 ft tall. then i'll plant at the same time but all 6 plants will be inline right down the center of the greenhouse... and top the shit out of them so they don't get no taller then 8ft..hell my landloard cameup and askedwhat the hell i waz building. i said i have a hight problem. he sugjested i plant them in the ground,so i showed him forthe firttime... he new i grew but not to that magnatude...

i about shocked the 80 year oldman to death whenhe seen them...

hes cool wit it.. i told him it will be down at the end of october....
i am lookinf to rent this 5 bedroom house with a basement, on 5 achers. inside the house is a elavator... hopefully it happens...