~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~


Active Member
I can't wait man, addicted to this thread. I wish new york would pass some type of weed law....even if it was just like 1 plant lol.


i just read page 16-57 because i wasnt on riu for 2 months and all i can say is...... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN IM FUCKEN JELOUSE! my first big plant was killed by a damn bug, the other 2 ended up being being males, and my final one is my "special"(i didnt even pay attention to it till about July) plant, luckily its blooming but its only 4ft tall. anyways ill stop rambling, but i have one last thing to repeat NICE JOB MG!!!! im hooked on this site again because of your god damn excellent grow XD


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i just read page 16-57 because i wasnt on riu for 2 months and all i can say is...... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN IM FUCKEN JELOUSE! my first big plant was killed by a damn bug, the other 2 ended up being being males, and my final one is my "special"(i didnt even pay attention to it till about July) plant, luckily its blooming but its only 4ft tall. anyways ill stop rambling, but i have one last thing to repeat NICE JOB MG!!!! im hooked on this site again because of your god damn excellent grow XD
thank you very much.. you want to c bigger plant check out doubljj car port grow.... all i can say is WWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.... you will to..
thanks again im glad you enjoyed the ride.. i sure am


Well-Known Member
hey mygirls my computer crashed but i got it fixed. every thing is lookin great as always. cant wait for them buds to start bulging out


Well-Known Member
saw ur vid. grow's lookin good (as always), won't be long before they really start packin on the weight. can't wait for the next vid. stay green my friend.


Well-Known Member
hey mick P waz up buddy.. hope thing are great for you... nice to have you back
im good as i can be, ive been busy doin work crew 5 days a week tryin to hurry up and get my hours done about 3 more weeks left in this hot as weather down here. and im glad to be back, still cant smoke though, but its all good.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
glad to hear your taking care of you busness.. most start and never finish.. good luck with the work days in the heat, and stay strong with out the reffer. i know its hard bro.. but props to you for doing the dew...


Well-Known Member
ya most just take the jail time but it looks better to my po if i finish. and i am past the hard part of quiting, it was the first few days that was hard my head was all confused and shit but now i dont even think of it much


Active Member
I just played the video again for a buddy of mine. Truly beautiful plants. Super healthy. And not too shabby on the size part either.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
one word Awesome......maybe one day.....im trying and soaking up all i can from you dudes on here....
hope sum of mi knowledge from my experiences can and will help you out in the future. lots and lot of great knowlege out there.. good luck