~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~


Well-Known Member
sup mygirls?

really nice plants you got there! that security cam setup is fuckin sick too. i kind of want to set up a hunting cam for my guerilla grow but i dont know if its worth it for my small op.

keep up the good work!
Hey everyone! I'm a newbie here and I grow outdoors. My plants are doing great, but I have a couple questions. Do I transplant again, from the five gallon buckets? Right now, they are about 3 feet tall and 2 feet in diameter. Man, they love the sun! Also, do I clone from the bottom or the top? Any advice on outdoor growing would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys...


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I'm a newbie here and I grow outdoors. My plants are doing great, but I have a couple questions. Do I transplant again, from the five gallon buckets? Right now, they are about 3 feet tall and 2 feet in diameter. Man, they love the sun! Also, do I clone from the bottom or the top? Any advice on outdoor growing would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys...
It is great that you're plants are doing well but its not really "proper etiquette" to post questions in other peoples threads/journals, especially without commenting on thier grow.

its not a big deal and im sure a guy like Mygirls doesnt mind but you would probably get more answers if you started you're own thread.

5gal pots are pretty sufficient depending on how big you want you're plants. if you are happy with 4-5ft plants then you can keep them but transplant if you want them to get bigger. i believe the general rule is 1 gallon for every foot of plant you want.

My Bad Dudes!,,all these Look AMAzing!!..Great Work Guys!..Workin on 6 This year! [video=youtube;3MQM8UeFDOA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MQM8UeFDOA[/video]

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
Mygirls does it really get 109 f in your greenhouse,just wondering cause my shed spot gets around 100 and i thought it might have been to hot but now i think i should b ok with my 2 fans....later


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Mygirls does it really get 109 f in your greenhouse,just wondering cause my shed spot gets around 100 and i thought it might have been to hot but now i think i should b ok with my 2 fans....later
being the hot indoor is not the same as outdoor. if you have exalant freash air intake like the outdoors then you can get away with a higher temp indoors.. BUT you need that air flow and a lot of it...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
sup mygirls?

really nice plants you got there! that security cam setup is fuckin sick too. i kind of want to set up a hunting cam for my guerilla grow but i dont know if its worth it for my small op.

keep up the good work!
thanks bro.. them are not trail cameras, that is actully securety camera. a trail camera is hooked to a tree with bungie cords.. any kind od securety you can have is well worth it.. you can go to wally world and but them wireless alarms.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hey everyone! I'm a newbie here and I grow outdoors. My plants are doing great, but I have a couple questions. Do I transplant again, from the five gallon buckets? Right now, they are about 3 feet tall and 2 feet in diameter. Man, they love the sun! Also, do I clone from the bottom or the top? Any advice on outdoor growing would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys...
went to go post in your thread and you don't even have one.. put them in the ground if you have no worries about hight...

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
very nice! i'm thinking you are gonna hit the roof with that big bud, its the sativa in it. you got some really nice looking plants in there.

your dog cracks me up. i'd never get tired of it. i'd be like dig, dig, dig, dig...........dig,dig,dig...........dig

here is a foto of the trunk of my 2009 outdoor big bud. i did the topping thing. it end up 8 feet around and 10 feet tall. i had to lift the greenhouse and frame up another 2 feet in august. the buds were hitting the roof and getting soaked with condensation.



Well-Known Member
sup mygirls?

really nice plants you got there! that security cam setup is fuckin sick too. i kind of want to set up a hunting cam for my guerilla grow but i dont know if its worth it for my small op.

keep up the good work!
u dont want cams if your not doin a legal grow op, cuz then you are just recorded evidence against your self and the cops have to do nothin but find the tape. only use cams if legal

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
being the hot indoor is not the same as outdoor. if you have exalant freash air intake like the outdoors then you can get away with a higher temp indoors.. BUT you need that air flow and a lot of it...
thanx 4 the reply man,and ya its a storage room on my back porch and the door NEVER closes....+ 2 fans on high during the day and the hottest it's got so far is 101f so i should b good:mrgreen::mrgreen:

THANX AGAIN...laterbongsmiliebongsmilie


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thanx 4 the reply man,and ya its a storage room on my back porch and the door NEVER closes....+ 2 fans on high during the day and the hottest it's got so far is 101f so i should b good:mrgreen::mrgreen:

THANX AGAIN...laterbongsmiliebongsmilie
i pulled off 412 grams dry froma plant grown in 100 degrees temp.. indoors. with the proper exhaust and freash air yes you should be good