~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~


Well-Known Member
plants are lookin great bro. they sure have grown alot since last time i seen them. those babies are gonna be some monsters in a few more weeks. im still subbed to your grow and lurking but i got alot of threads to reply to and what not. but im still here so keep up the great work


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
plants are lookin great bro. they sure have grown alot since last time i seen them. those babies are gonna be some monsters in a few more weeks. im still subbed to your grow and lurking but i got alot of threads to reply to and what not. but im still here so keep up the great work
same here. so many threads to check and many new ones to try and help with.. thanks for stoping by..


Active Member
Love it man. Count me in; i'll be the guy in the back with the slightly bewildered look on his face. hahah
great plants. good luck on everything, from weed to work and everything else


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Love it man. Count me in; i'll be the guy in the back with the slightly bewildered look on his face. hahah
great plants. good luck on everything, from weed to work and everything else
thanks for jumping the train. should be a great ride..


heres what i had going on last year. check out the videos and the outdoor grow from 2008. you will see why i use a green house. not only that i live on the coast so i have high winds quite a bit and a lot of moisture.
Great video! I'll be doing a greenhouse next year when I move out to the country. Can't really pull something like that off on my terrace in the city :P

Great job and good luck this year.


Well-Known Member
i used to feed my old pit i had awhile ago gunpowder i just mixed up a bullet or 2 of powder into the food and he gobbled it right up it made him much meaner an it didnt seem to harm him and he is still healthy to this day. whats your trick. theris a few other ways i now work great but i think it is to inhumane to do it to an animal and it makes them not really like u also. my dog loved me and a few others but was meaner then shit to any one else


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
gotta catch up later, my hands are full of cheeseburger. but i'm here. :cool:
i was being a smart ass, LOL thanks for stoping by.
oh and how dare you eat a cheese burger in my thread.... without sharing..hahahahahaha LOL


Active Member
Whats up mygirls? I'm a fellow grower here in oregon. Just north east of you. Where is all of the sunshine already?? This rain is getting old I guess I don't have to water for awile but would rather be getting my patch complete. Here is a link to my second grow if thats ok. Your operation looks awesome. I see a greenhouse in my future. I'm looking into getting my medical card soon. Happy Growing i'll be watching:blsmoke:



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Whats up mygirls? I'm a fellow grower here in oregon. Just north east of you. Where is all of the sunshine already?? This rain is getting old I guess I don't have to water for awile but would rather be getting my patch complete. Here is a link to my second grow if thats ok. Your operation looks awesome. I see a greenhouse in my future. I'm looking into getting my medical card soon. Happy Growing i'll be watching:blsmoke:

welcome to the ride.. hope you enjoy the stay. and another orgonian right on. im tired of the rain..