My White Widow.. ohh what a long road it's been


New Member
In June I planted a couple White Widow Plants, that looked like they were doing fantastic during the six weeks I had em in Veg. Indoor Grow under a 400watt MH, in Ocean Forest Soil, using foxfarms 3pack nutes... everything was going great.... until my bestfriend at the time, and her boyfriend.. decided it would be alot of fun to break in my house while I was at work and steal my plants. They didnt think I would ever suspect them, and they made off with my plants, my nutes, a laptop, 1/4 ounce of strawberry cough bud, digital camera, mp3 player etc..

I was devastated. It was so heartbreaking to come home, see soil thrown across your room, plants and electronics gone, I had no idea who the hell did it. The middle of August rolled around, and a friend of the girl's family informs me that some of the stuff that I had missing, she had seen these two people carrying. I immediately went to the home of the girl who was my supposed "bestfriend" searched her room, and pulled out some of my possessions. I confronted her, she cried, gave me this huge bullshit I'm sorry story, and led me out into the woods to show me where my Widows were. One was in real bad shape, I tried to salvage it, it was useless. It died. The other, looked bad too, but I dug it up, repotted it, and brought it home, a couple weeks later, moved to a more secure apartment, put it under my lights and started 12/12. It was evident that the shorter days threw my widow into flower, and even though she looks small and frail, I'm glad I at least got her back. Just before they stole them, I was lucky enough to take a cutting, which I grew and it's much larger than the plant that is a month older than her, so I didnt lose out completley. I learned a lesson that envy among friends is a bitch, and that these people defiinitley are not my friends any more, they can rot in hell. Anyways heres my three babies, from left to right- My stolen and retrieved White Widow, a Space Queen, and the clone that I made right before the robbery.

Here's a top shot of the stolen Widow that they forced into flower by stickin her in the woods...

and heres a shot of the clone, who has only been in 12/12 for about 3 weeks now

Everything I read about "not telling" anyone, was 100% correct. It seems like you can't trust anyone these days. I'm not a dealer, never was one. I just grow so I can have good shit to smoke, plants that I chose. I figured it would save me money in the beginning, that might not be true now, seeming as though I had to go through the expenses of moving, and rebuying nutes, and now my yield from that one plant I'm sure is cut down drasticly. But, at least I learned a lesson about who I can trust and who I cant. Its a shame. I really loved that girl too. :sad:


New Member
one question guys. how many weeks do u think this has left approx, the second to last plant pictured? im only askin cuz im not exactly sure when it was put in 12/12.


Well-Known Member
I'd say a good 3-4 weeks still. Sorry to hear about your hassles. Some people are just plain douche bags.


Well-Known Member
That's bullshit man. Im glad you were able to salvage one of your plants. Good luck on the rest of your journey, and may it be some grade A smoke.


Well-Known Member
thats fucked, what a pair of wankers.

Good luck on the rest of the grow and dont let faze u into stopping!


Active Member
My heart feels for you, I can't imagine. I may very well be in jail.

Anyway, to know for sure without needing to know the timeline, go to Radio Shack and buy yourself a little mini microscope. They cost $12 and they are great. Here is a link to give you some pics of what your looking for.
Just remember when you use the microscope, put your zoom where you want it, put the bud right up to the little plastic viewing hole, and adjust your zoom. But hold still, very still.


Active Member
Lol! I feel like a knot head! Let me rephrase that.

Put your zoom where you want it, put the bud up to the plastic viewing hole and adjust your FOCUS according. If you hold really still, the focus will do all the work for you. Good luck and may karma come back for both your 'friends' with the wrath and fury they deserve.


New Member
Thanks for the replies... yea those guys were assholes. The girl particularity, I kinda took care of her for the past couple years. She comes from a bad environment. Her family is dirt poor and she doesnt really have anyone looking after her. I let her basically live with me for the better part of 2 years, she's 17 now. I bought her clothes, a cell phone, digital camera, u name it.. I did it for her. Even took her to Disney World to share with her the lil bit of magic that any young girl loves to experience. Either way, I was like WTF! With some people it doesn't matter how nice you are to them, amd what you do for some people. Bad people are bad people. You can't change someone who doesn't know how to help themselves.


Well-Known Member
I too am sorry to hear about your troubles. It's funny that rule #1 "don't tell anybody!" is #1 for a reason, it bites so many ppl in the ass. But yet it is the hardest one to follow. When you help some plants grow in to something amazingly beautiful you become so proud, & rightfully so. It's just human nature to wanna share it w/ someone. But alas, we must remember why it's rule #1. It's also human nature to trust & love others so don't beat yourself up over it. But instead just try to learn from this unfortunate event. & also be thankful that you found out what kind of person/people you were truly involved with. Best of luck w/ everything ahead of you

P.S. I aggree w/ the previous poster in that I can't tell you how long to wait but you will know when it's time if you go by the look of the tichromes. You can also use a good magnifying glass or a jeweler's loop. I didn't read the link, but I know mostly what it will say. IMO you should pull it when you have maybe 5-15% amber tichromes. The thing to remember is that the clear tichromes are immature, the cloudy ones are prime & the amber ones are past prime. Personal preference also plays a roll as if you harvest too early the buzz will be weak, if you harvest too late (w/ too many amber tichs) then the buzz will be very stony/sleepy. In between is where the buzz is a head high that most ppl like. But if you like a buzz that knocks you on your butt & leaves you 1/2 paralyzed then you may wanna have more amber tichromes.


New Member
...if you like a buzz that knocks you on your butt & leaves you 1/2 paralyzed then you may wanna have more amber tichromes.
yea that's def not the kinda buzz im lookin for. lol. im actually kinda a lightweight when it comes to smoking. i like a gentle buzz, one that makes me kinda tingly feelin but not all sleepy and not functional, one that lets me talk my head off, and like im feelin like im on top of the world. i clipped a branch of one of my widows that died and had a failed clone attempt, so the remaining flower on top of it, i dried, and packed it into a bowl just to see what it was like.. all i have to say is OMFG! that high was perfect. only a few hits, like 2-3 and i was feeling fan-fucking-tastic! i really hope that it all works out. this is a first time grow and im really excited to be smoking WW, and the Space Queen plant that i have going right now too.


Active Member
Better plan: Let her keep everything, tell the police you saw her carrying your stolen items, and that you suspect she is growing marijuana in the forest. Haha. That sucks I would be very angry. What is wrong with some people. I'm still very young and I have turned into a hardened person that trusts no one, with anything. I've been fucked over one too many times. Whats wrong with our world. Its sad.


Active Member
Well, on the lighter side of things..... My favorite quote is -
'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind' - Gandi

I'm not a religious freak, but I am spiritual. I used to feel the same way when I was younger about the world. But a person has to realize you are responsible for your own happiness. You decide how you react to life, and yes, even most emotions are a choice. We are human indeed, but we have way more control of our lives than most people want to admit. Too much responsibility.

But check it out. I read everything you said about these people (or the ringleader girl you keep refering to). I feel for you, I do. But at the same time, I would never tell someone so young and troubled about what your doing. That was a bad choice. Guess what, if she can gank your shit, she can nark on you too later down the road. Her choice will be the same in essence. What can she do to benefit her? And I'm sorry, I was on the run out of state at the age of 17, lieing about my age on job applications so I wouldn't have to mooch off other people. Did she at least collect a single can or anything in all the time you supported her? All I'm saying is think about it. I hear a lot of blame, but no logical thought in what your going to do different next time to assure this doesn't happen to you again. Believe it or not, you are at fault too.

There should be ethical rules to growing. But I'm sure most people know #1 would be... Stay quiet about what you do. Even if you believe your friends wouldn't rat you out or steal from you, the odds of someone else keeping thier mouth shut is minimal. Look at how hard it was for you? It's hard for everyone. Silent glory is a bitch.