My white skunk


Well-Known Member
hey I was wondering how you got the plant to grow that way?? I mean of course in short bushy form. I'm asking because I have a grow spot but my plants need to be short for it to be alright


Well-Known Member
I know its a flowering nute, guy... Its not a flowering nute for marijuana. Like I already said, marijuana needs lots of phos and potash during flowering. Nutes that are primarily Nitrogen are for VEGGING. Regardless of what the label says. That nute has a buttload of nitrogen in it and less P and K, which is exactly what you DONT want. Of the P and K, the plant needs MOST OF ALL a lot of phosphorus. Your nute is 15-4-26. The 4 is the phos... notice theres WAAAY less than anything else? Phosphorus is used in producing buds. If you dont want big buds, dont give it phosphorus. Simple as that.

The second nute is just plain unnecessary. Youre already giving it a shitload of potassium in the first nute (aka the #26). Why would you give it EVEN MORE? You should skip the 2nd nute, and use the first nute in conjunction with a nute that contain only phosphorus. Or get rid of them both and get a 5-15-10 ratio nutrient.


Well-Known Member
ouch he totally just pooped all over your logic lol, thanks for teaching me that senor, I'm glad I learned that so when i get nutes for my plants, i know what they need more of now. Thanks for the good advice too baz666666 I dont know why i didnt think of that, its so simple... Just one problem, that means that a plant will take up more ground space and i have 6 seeds and i want to grow them all in an area probs about 7' by 5' yall think i could pull that shit off??


Well-Known Member
*how much root space does a plant need to grow healthy and not kill the other plants or steal their water?


Active Member
Yea it's the only nute i have by the time i get some cash for something different at the end of next week it will be time for me to start flushing anyway so nothing i can do about it i'll just have to keep growing my inferior bud with it.


Active Member
Depends how long they will veg for, plant em in pots then they won't be competing with each other for water.


Well-Known Member
Yea it's the only nute i have by the time i get some cash for something different at the end of next week it will be time for me to start flushing anyway so nothing i can do about it i'll just have to keep growing my inferior bud with it.
Youre putting words in my mouth. I never said it would be inferior. I said your buds would be much smaller. If thats okay with you, then by all means. Go for it. But I wouldnt expect the plant to be finished as early as the seedbanks say. Usually theyre another week or two from whatever amount of time they said itd take to flower. I would definetly cut out the last nute though, its serving you no purpose.

*how much root space does a plant need to grow healthy and not kill the other plants or steal their water?
1 gallon per foot of vertical growth on an untopped plant. 3 gallons or bigger is ideal unless youre growing lots of little plants.


Active Member
I cut a few buds off her the other day and they just finished drying i weighed it today just over 50g, under the cd case their are buds in the container and i'm in the process of drying some more, 40% of the plant is still growing so i will let it grow for another 2 weeks then cut the bigger buds off then let the smaller buds grow more.

