My white rhino with pics


Well-Known Member
hi there
i have a question for you all..

i have a white rhino in my homemade bubbler that has been grown from seed and is only about 3- 4 weeks old.. im veggin it till its big enuf to take a cutting or 2.. i noticed today that it has frosty lookin bits on all the new growth and at the start of the leaves where the stem joins..

i got my scope out n had a look and i saw trics all over it.????? could this be a sign of it being female.?

have edited the pics so you can see where the frosty bits are but there taken from my phone so they aint clear..

also in pics ive asked if i can take cuttings from the highlighted areas..

any info will be great..




Well-Known Member
lol i put it up to the scope n took a pic.. lol it was hard coz ups dwn n lefts right if you know wot i mean.. i didnt even think it was possible to do but it works lol...

do you think it cud be fem?????


Well-Known Member
can someone give me the info on cuttings and also share your thoughts on my rhino.... male/female.??



Well-Known Member
143 views and no info... Hmmmmmmmm

lol this is poor ppl... even a " not sure mate " would do..
knowlege is a powerfull thing and needs sharing...


Well-Known Member
Looks young to take cuttings.....And it doesnt look like by the pictures its showing sex yet. And it will prolly tell you when its in flower.

What white rhino is that? If thats nirvana im pissed mine where mutants:evil:


Well-Known Member
Looks young to take cuttings.....And it doesnt look like by the pictures its showing sex yet. And it will prolly tell you when its in flower.

What white rhino is that? If thats nirvana im pissed mine where mutants:evil:
ya, what he said. wait till its at least 40 days(its recommended to wait 2 months) old to take cuttings. you want one set of nodes in the medium. thats kool that you have trichs all ready, might be a potent one. booooky, why was yours mutants? kinda interests me! good luck with your plant m8.


Well-Known Member
sorry ppl ive made a mistake on the age of the rhino.... its between 4-6 weeks old..
lack of drugs are clouding up my mind lol...

the pre-flowers shud be showing soon then eh.????
do males produce crystal.????


Active Member
Yes, males will produce Trichomes as well, so unfortunately its definitely not a way to tell its sex. I have read other forums where the growers have noted the tric amounts in all his plants and found that it was not indicative of the eventual sex of the plant, so that answers your original question I think!


Well-Known Member
booooky, why was yours mutants? kinda interests me! good luck with your plant m8.
They where all different phenos mostly bushed out and one grew really tall all where some killer ass smoke the taller one was even fruity tasting.

Looks good.


Well-Known Member
i hi boooky,,, think the seeds are from nirvahna.??? my big bro gave them to me weeks ago..

i was already growin white widow and some afghani bigbud.. there all in my journal..

i now have 4 white widow 4 afghans 1 white rhino and 23 cuttings of widow and bigbud..
when my flowering plants are finished im goin again n hopfully i will have some rhino in there aswell.. my plants are 36-37 days into flowering and all pics can be seen in journal..
take a wee look n let me know wot you think..
