my Weird Story


New Member
Hello Guyz,
I just planted my first cannabis plant
i dont know anything about it(indica or sativa)
the thing is that i've been growing it in my bedroom window....and recently my mom(she has seen a cannabis plant b4) came in my room and asked me which plant was that, i said i dont know the name....i took some seeds from the backyard saying it was a small plant which had some weird flower on it(total lie....i got the seeds from a bud)....i am confused what to do....but it is fun taking risks!!


Well-Known Member
Be honest with your mom. If she says get rid of it then you get rid of it. She is legally responsible for you and everything that occurs in her house. She can go to jail.


Well-Known Member
if Mom is asking now then she's on to you. She's reading your mind right now. They have a 7th sense and are usually a bunch of steps in front of you.


Well-Known Member
First of all, you will end up with nothing growing in a windowsill. Secondly, it will stink your house up once it gets bigger. Third, if it ain't your house, don't grow without approval.


Well-Known Member
Give it a couple weeks and it will stink then all your work and "risks" will be thrown in the bin and I'm guessing you will feel the wrath of an angry mother and trust me the risks ain't worth that. if you are a young age which I think you are, destroy it and read up and study on the history of the plant and learn what you can on the cultivation and different techniques of growing training etc then when you are old enough and if you are still interested you can put what you have learned into practice and maybe become the next best grower breeding your own strains etc chances are in years to come cannabis will be legal in many countries and what you do won't get you in trouble with the law at least. (Mothers are worse than cops)


Well-Known Member
Just talk to your mother lol. You cant hide that kind of stuff in the same house as your mother. You are pretty much ignoring what you already know will happen.