My water

Jus wondering if I can store my ph’d water

To answer the question with the limited info the answer is yes. You can store any type of water you want to. Whether it will be good to use in the fashion you are intending to use it is another question.
Yea I planned on using it for my plants since I don’t have a r.o system Dechlorinated it just want to know if I could bottle it the ph is 6.3
Is it RO water your storing? I don’t see a problem with it. Be best if it were in a closed container to keep dust and dirt out. It’s going to react with the co2 in the atmosphere and form carbonic acid like all water and probably bring the ph to 5.7 maybe. But is it started as really pure water it will be unbuffered so you can move that ph easily.
Yea I planned on using it for my plants since I don’t have a r.o system Dechlorinated it just want to know if I could bottle it the ph is 6.3
How long do you plan on storing them? Standing RO water breads mold and fungus fairly quickly as it doesn’t have any chlorine or anything to inhibit growth. Are you talking about more than a week or so at a time? If so, you will slowly build up greenies in your jugs, though to be entirely honest, I’m not sure if it is harmful to use.. havnt looked it up.. just letting you know from personal experience and that of a few others as well. Be safe and be happy!!