My WalMart Active Carbon Scrubber


Well-Known Member
Well guys what I went and did was ordered a real setup, none of this is cutting it for me now, can even smell it outside.
This would work fine for a small grow and all but not me, anymore.
wound up running me $220 not bad, and it will deal with my issues.
It's hard to get the CFM though the homemade scrubbers, I just gave up on a cheap way.


Active Member
Hey Phenom420,

This thread is old so hopefully you respond. I am currently looking to starting a new grow tomorrow and i need to look into a more quiet air scrubber solution. My current scrubber is a diy that i made using a bathroom fan, a 3foot 2x3, window screens and alot of duck tape. Its ghetto as hell, but man it does and awesome job and i will continue to use it. However its too loud for when guests are over during the night, ie nosy mother-n-law. My grow box is inside my office closet next to my guest room and you can totally hear the fan at night in the other room.

Anyway, i want to know how loud your 1st diy you showed on this thread using that walmart tower fan. I will only be growing between 3 to 5 plants so that fan looks to pull enough air for that many plants combined with the size of my grow closet. So do you think it would be pretty silent inside a closet with the door closed. If so i'll be going to wolly world ASAP.

Thanks man.