My Very First Medical Grow - Nirvana Genetics (Organic)

OK....Well here it goes!!

I guess I'll start with genetics....because I always read "Genetics" are very important. I went all out and ordered 10 fem. seeds from Nirvana. First off...the staff at Nirvana is great. Got my seeds in less than 2 weeks...not too bad. 5 fem. Pure Power Plant, and 5 fem. Aurora Indica. I planted them on April 28th and started them in the Hydro Farm Jump Starter kit. Real easy and came with a dome. I saw sprouts in 48 hours and planted them into 3" coco fiber pots under 24/7 florescent light. I decided to go with a soil-less mix and came across Pro-Mix Bx. This was highly recommended from a friend so I got the big one..3.8 cubic feet. 2 days later I started them 18/6 under my air cooled 600 watt metal halide. It only took another 3 days for the roots to push through the bottom of the coco pots.

Now they are in 1 gallon pots. All of the PPP fems are in smart-pots. My local Hydro guy talked me into to trying them out, but he only had 6. 1 of my Aurora's is in a smart pot, and the other 4 are in regular plactic pots. I'm anxious to see how these turn out and if there is a difference. I've been able to keep the temp. and the humidity at good levels. The humididty has never been over 40% and Temp. stays around 78-79 F. I bought a 6" 430 cfm fan and kept one side open. This sucks out the heat from the bulb and the heat and old air from the room. I also have a smaller 6" duct fan that is 250 cfm pulling fresh air into the room.

I'm using Gen. Hydro's Flora Nova 2 part series for nutes. I know that these are not the best, but I am a noob and wanted to stick with something that I can usewith ease. I have been feeding them with 3/4 nutes. I have also been feeding them plain water every 3rd feeding. I will only do this for the first month or so. (not sure if this helps...another tip from a friend)

Any suggestions or tips are helpful....Thx All!
Welcome to RIU!
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Good luck with your grow. I like nirvana strains as well.

If you check the Flora Nova Bloom ingredients and analysis, you'll see it has all the macro and micro nutrients that you need to grow plants. :) I use it alone from seedling to harvest with great results.
Thanks for the welcome! It's good to hear of someone else using the flora series. It seems to be working wonders so far. Every morning I look in my tent and they look so different. I will be posting some pics today.....I was going to yesterday but I coldn't get my camera to work.

Still can't get my camera to upload here are some from my camera phone...not great but better than nothing. You just have to click on the link and it works from my photobucket. Any questions comments or tips are always appreciated. Cheers!
Update!! I must say that these little ladies have really exploded in only a weeks time. If you look at the pics from last week and compare to really blew my mind!:eyesmoke:

As you can see the plants are looking amazing. A couple things I have noticed.

1. You will have to water a little more frequently when using the smart pots. The plants that are in the regular plastic pots take about 12-18 hours longer to dry out. No big deal really.....
2. I noticed a big jump the last few days as I moved my light up a few inches. I was keeping it 20 inches above the plants...but I moved it up to 24 and it seemed to help a little. (again 600 watt MH-ac)

The pics are from my photobucket again....sorry bout this:wall:
Any comments or questions would be greatly appreciated. I do check daily at least once.

Welcome fellow Michigander. :) Things are looking great. Your plants look really happy. Keep up the good work.
Welcome fellow Michigander. :) Things are looking great. Your plants look really happy. Keep up the good work.

Thx NightBird....I am new at this and treating them with the best care I can. I feel pretty lucky that all my fem. seeds germinated...I have heard of some people have germination problems when using these.

Thanks and Cheers!
They are looking green and vibrant, carry on the good work! And welcome (I'm a noobster, here, and in general, too) :)
A friend is using Flora Nova Bloom (question: is this stuff truly "organic?" ;)) with good results so far, too.
They are looking green and vibrant, carry on the good work! And welcome (I'm a noobster, here, and in general, too) :)
A friend is using Flora Nova Bloom (question: is this stuff truly "organic?" ;)) with good results so far, too.

Thx for the comment Thrash....and the compliment as well. That is a really good question. I know that the soilless mix that I am using is organic for sure. The guy at my local hydro shop sold the nutrients to me as "organic nutes"...but who knows. I am too much of a noob to really know for 100%. I can tell you that the plants seem to love it.

I think for my next grow I am going to try The Fox Farm Soil's (Light Warrior and Ocean Forest) I have seen a lot of people having great results with these products.


"The product is an aqueous, inorganic, nitrate solution.
The exact proportions used in the mixture are a trade secret. The product is derived from
ammonium molybdate, ammonium phosphate, calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate, potassium
phosphate, potassium borate, magnesium sulfate, cobalt sulfate, copper sulfate, manganese
sulfate, zinc sulfate, iron DTPA, and 0.1% Humic extracts derived from leonnardite."
Nice work, I have to compliment you on the setup. Did you have help? We're all here to help, keep posting!!!
Thank you so much for the kind words and offer for help Chef!! Luckily I haven't yet needed any (knock on wood). :bigjoint:

The only help I really got was from reading and then reading some more....:sleep:

I just basically did my homework for a few months. Plus I probably studied hundreds of grow journals on here. I did spend more than I should have on all the grow equipment, but I knew that going in. I figured that it was worth the extra couple hundred bucks to go to my local hydro shop and start a good relationship with them. Plus, I got to go home with all of it that waiting on shipping. SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS!!

Thanks again and Cheers!
I did spend more than I should have on all the grow equipment, but I knew that going in. I figured that it was worth the extra couple hundred bucks to go to my local hydro shop and start a good relationship with them. Plus, I got to go home with all of it that waiting on shipping. SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS!!

Thanks again and Cheers!

I love to hear people say stuff like this. All that medical marijuana has been doing is paying peoples bills and helping them keep their homes, cars, and families together. after they have been laid off in a failing economy. Yet the legislators still try to take things away. Anyways, end rant. I do the same thing my man. Good for you. Keep up the good work. -Bird
I concur - any problems with the product and you can take it right back to your friends at the store. Same deal for me, no questions asked, no receipts needed, just the service you need.
That's the problem with the internet (no face-to-face interaction making returns a nightmare), especially when there is no feedback mechanism (look at eBay's success).
I'd much rather spend that extra 10-15% to get the level of service we all expect.
Sounds like you are in the US, as far as service goes you are extremely lucky to be over there. Only other continent where you get that good working attitude is in Asia (customer is always right, etc.). They have no fucking idea what service means in the UK.
Er.. yeah... where were we? Yup - go local!
Go local but make sure they treat you right. I have had pretty good luck with my local store. The service is great and in my opinion is worth the 50% markup from internet prices for most stuff. I meen....can you ask paypal how your co2 unit is operated or show me how to plumb that table....priceless. I gladly pay more.

I got 85 grams from my first ak48 plant by the way. Solid rock hard buds cured down to 62% and holding in the jars. Not to bad for my newbness..:mrgreen:
I concur - any problems with the product and you can take it right back to your friends at the store. Same deal for me, no questions asked, no receipts needed, just the service you need.
That's the problem with the internet (no face-to-face interaction making returns a nightmare), especially when there is no feedback mechanism (look at eBay's success).
I'd much rather spend that extra 10-15% to get the level of service we all expect.
Sounds like you are in the US, as far as service goes you are extremely lucky to be over there. Only other continent where you get that good working attitude is in Asia (customer is always right, etc.). They have no fucking idea what service means in the UK.
Er.. yeah... where were we? Yup - go local!
I have actually heard that from a lot of UK''s a damn shame too. If you treat your customers right...they don't mind spending a little extra coin....seems pretty logical to me lol.
Cheers!! and Thanks for the comments.
Go local but make sure they treat you right. I have had pretty good luck with my local store. The service is great and in my opinion is worth the 50% markup from internet prices for most stuff. I meen....can you ask paypal how your co2 unit is operated or show me how to plumb that table....priceless. I gladly pay more.

I got 85 grams from my first ak48 plant by the way. Solid rock hard buds cured down to 62% and holding in the jars. Not to bad for my newbness..:mrgreen:
Werd on that...some stores just try to rape you..for lack of a better term. lol Did you top that Ak plant? This is something that I have been thinking about doing to my girls, but I'm not sure if I want to or not. It sounds very tempting, but this is my first run and I want to just make sure I am doing everything else perfectly. If I do, I will have to clone these ladies....also wondering if I want to do this as well. Some of my friends say that ordering seeds is the way to go everytime. More yeild and less chance of problems...? What do you all think?
Sorry about the day late...I had to move this week and I was super busy...and sore lol. Here we go though!! I honestly can't believe how much these beauties change from one week to the next. I think that I will try to do pictures twice a week from now on. They just change so damn fast! Thanks again all for the comments and kind words of encouragement. I really do owe 90% of the little success that I have had so far to all the experienced growers on here. I get on every single day and learn something new! Thank you roll it up!!