My Very First Grow


I'm glade to be a new user here on! Today I joined you fellow Marijuana lovers. To begin with I started my Outdoor grow this year in Late March. My soil is all home made, Containing composted hay from my Chicken Coop, Dirt/ash from my burn hole/pile (Nails and all), Small Rocks from a pile in my back yard, a Little clay and sand. Thats it. I fertilize with plain Ole' miracle grow. My seed (Only planted one) came from some of my Local marijuana activist (Nothing special). The rain has been plentiful this year where I am at, Almost daily. So far I have one large Female (Started in Late March) & Three Clones from that larger one. I haven't experienced any serious problems but have had a few hiccups caused by me being careless. No problems with Pest, Only leafhoppers which I read helps with aphids so not fight them off. I have been using a solution consisting of water, garlic, lemon, and tobacco sauce to help with the ANTS. I spray my concoction only at night and only in the infected areas. I frequently urinate on trees near my grow to deter deer and other critters. Also I tied up some dryer sheets near my plants. I walk my dog to my grow area at least once a week. Also when visiting my plants I carry the infamous binoculars and bird watching guide to have my alibi tight. I have just recently started LST (Low Stress Training) By Pinching, Bending, Rolling, & Trimming. I have not grown before, I am New at this Any Advise would be nice.



Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
More Light, Better Soil, Plant in ground or smart pot. It looks like maybe more or heavier waterings, Switch to MaxSea instead of miracle grow. I wouldn't mess with LST to much on your first baby... but heh do what you want :)


More Light, Better Soil, Plant in ground or smart pot. It looks like maybe more or heavier waterings, Switch to MaxSea instead of miracle grow. I wouldn't mess with LST to much on your first baby... but heh do what you want :)

More Light, Better Soil, Plant in ground or smart pot. It looks like maybe more or heavier waterings, Switch to MaxSea instead of miracle grow. I wouldn't mess with LST to much on your first baby... but heh do what you want :smile:

So far I have spent 10$ on my grow this year. I do need more direct sun light. I need to trim back some of the trees near my grow. I was concerned about losing coverage from helicopters, Drones, Aeriel, ECT. I do need to trim it up a little bit. 11Am to 2pm is my best lighting. Then everything is hidden in the shade of the near by oaks and pines. I need to start a whole new grow area, with more light. Is it to late to start more clones?? In Northern Florida. Been really rainy lately, like everyday raining. The homemade soil seems rich, black and fowl smelling, I should test it. what low-budget soil would you suggest? This is my first lil grow not wanting to sink to much on it. Seeds are nothing special. This is Just practice. Next year I will feel more confident to go big. I was thinking of changing fertilizers, I will look at MaxSea. What do you think about Foxfarm or other organics? So far the LTS has not done much good, I cloned the bottom branches. I have 3 clones going as of today. The worst stress I caused the big one was topping it. I would like to get a few more clones off this. Maybe to start my new site...


Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Superthrive is a good and cheap also. I only use for sick sad or transplanting. MaxSea is about $20 and has shined above others I have cross examined. I also heard good things about Jack's Classic. It's a miracle grow like product. I would look into foliar feeding also. Its a very cheap way get green lush foliage quickly. Also good to do a week before chopping a plant into clones :)


Do you think this stuff will hurt my plants? I wanna get rid of leafhoppers & aphids! The Lhoppers are leaving brown marks on my stems. I tried My Garlic, Hot sauce, Lemon spray with no improvements. This stuff says it will work on tomatoes, grapes. blueberry, melons, ETC. What you think? I dont really have any healthy well rooted clones to test on just yet. I'll see what you guys at RIU have gots to say.


It worked for years with my tomatoes. Never had a problem with mites, Leafhoppers, or any insect. Even Killed the honey bees....


Well-Known Member
I agree with garden boss more light better dirt ,and dont use miracle grow lots of better options fox farms works well but is not organic but for your fist grow i would probably use the fox farms also try something like captain jacks or montery with the spinosad works well for spraying good luck.


What is a good cheap soil I can make at home?

My cousin told me that he uses coconut husk, chicken shit with composted hay, Ash from his burn hole (With nails) & dirt/sand.

Should I buy Some real soil from a hardware store?

Fertilizers I have only heard about 2 Miracle Grow and FoxFarm. So really I have no clue to what works the best and a decent price. I make Min wage w/ Bills.


This is another Soil Recipe my relative gave me, what do u think?
1 : dried cow shit from a cow that grazes
2: dried pig shit
3: dried chicken shit
4: ashes
5 :nails burnt is preferred .
6: Forest Mulch
7: all my organic leftovers

Most farmer will let you shovel shit for the free around here. Worse for worse they say no , I was thinking of making a huge compost pile near my next crop area that will be used next year.
Any other useful Poop to keep in mind?
Hoarse, goat, Rabbit???


I will update with picture soon, I am having problems uploading here, I go to upload an the pictures were not visible in the folder. But they are there. All Pictures are .JPG
I moved one of my clones, Had it in a smaller pot, I cut the bottom out of the pot and buried in a freshly dug hole. Put fence up because I was unaware of near by animals.
Sprayed Garlic, lemon, and hot sauces concoction all over the place, Tied Fresh dryer sheets nearby, And cleaned my dogs hair brush then spread it all around my new spot.
Pictures will be coming soon....


Active Member
well I used to have bon fires on my grow site, maybe youre on to something.... mybitches are beasting right now I hope the have a couple more growth spurts


well I used to have bon fires on my grow site, maybe youre on to something.... mybitches are beasting right now I hope the have a couple more growth spurts
I carry a bucket every now and then to my site, I have been throwing a shovel full of it around the ground right next to my plants, So far they have been doing great, Think I heard that ash keeps out Slugs & Snails. Heading over to your grow page now


Well-Known Member
Monterey with spinosad kicks ass. Also I've had good results using neem oil every 2 weeks or so for a repellant.


Active Member
i wouldn't use that stuff on stuff i was gonna smoke/ingest :/ use watered down neem, about every 10 days or so. mist it over them regularly, right around sundown and you should be good :)

also, you could do a perimeter of pyrethrum around the group plants as like... a barrier. do it in the shape of a pentagram! hahaha. but fyi pyrethum kills pretty much all bugs... bad (aphids, mites, etc) AND good (ladybugs, praying mantis). i would also not include nails, but that's just me. i have no idea if it's a good or bad thing, but since i have no idea, i'd rather not chance it, ya know? err on the side of caution and all.


The rusty nail thing was a recipe that my family member told me, I figured it worked for him so why no me. It might of been a mistake or lazyness due to he used ash out of his burn pail which contains nails from all the boards he had burned and ended up not sifting all the nails out. I haven;t used any repellents other than my Garlic concoction.


Active Member
The Iron in metal does not brake down into the iron needed for plants...
Just a FYI.


Nails Just something I was told, My soil is really rich looking, The nails IDK if they help or not but my plants over all look good, i have moved 2 to a more sunny spot. My pig one is doing really good.