My Very First Grow Please feedback


Dear Fellow growers

This here is my very first grow I have almost followed tyke's recommendations (Look at the bottom) Thank you very much Tyke

So I am growing under 2 600w lights cool hoods, 2 ultimate and 3 tangerine dreams, so far looks good to me, I am close to switching 12 cycle so any feedback or recommendations would be appreciated. Growing 20 liter airpots with special coco mix

Mainly i am worried because screen was a pain to get done and got distances wrong, so have a look, maybe I should train them a bit more?!

Fire any questions

Tyke's instructions Thanks again Tyke

CANNA PK/13/14
2 x 600 h.p.s
max 4 plants per light
Week one;once the seedling or clone has roots 1.1 ec,just canna a/b Recomended dose of rhizatonic
Week two;1.2 ec rhizatonic/canna a/b
week three;1.3 ec just canna a/b
week four;1.4 ec just canna,a/b
I flower at about 1 1/2 ft tall so under 2 x 600 hps light these plants sometime more often than not reach this height in 3 week.

week one; 1.5 ec canna a/b
week two; 1.5 canna a/b plus 2ml per litre of big bud from advanced
week three; 1.5 canna a/b plus 2 ml of big bud x litre of water
week four;1.5 ec canna a/b plus 2 ml big bud x litre of water
week five;1.5 ec canna a/b no big bud
week six; 1.5 ec canna a/b add rec dose of pk 13/14,just for the one week
week severn;1.5 ec canna a/b
week eight;1.5 ec canna a/b
week nine;ph 7.0 just water,this is the only time i use a ph metre.

2 x 600 hps lights[cool hoods]not tubes
1 x fan that will fit the filter and lights
1x inline if you are useing a 8" in line then a 6" will be fine
mylar for walls,i would use black and white polly behind the mylar to stop any damp
i use relective floor sheeting that is used under laminate flooring
if you have the money go hydroponic auto pot easy to use or nft,if not soil
MOST important a ec metre,this will help you get max from your plants
only go with a good nute package i like canna/because you use the same a/b all the way through there is no seperate flowering nute,or advanced sensi a/b
get a pk spike for wk 2 like big bud,most pk spikes are for wk 4,i have had best results useing this package
canna pk 13/14
Veg ; has soon has the plants have legs.put them on 1.1
week; 2;1.2
week; 3,1.3
week ;4,1.4
flowering 1.5 all the way through the grow till the end of week 8 then water for 7 days
but at week 2 add big bud 2 ml per litre for 3 week,with the canna a/b
then back to canna a/b
week 5;pk 13/14 reco dose that it says on tub



Also Huge thing is ventilation

got rvk 150 out and two 125 TTs going in

Problem is that temps gone up to 37 celsius now WTF?! I added one tt because it was going near 36, added it and first it was ok about 32c now gone up to 37air is going in from hallway (plenty of fresh air there due to opened windows) should I change them two to one rvk 150 ?


Well-Known Member
Dear Fellow growers

I flower at about 1 1/2 ft tall so under 2 x 600 hps light these plants sometime more often than not reach this height in 3 week.
Lots of info posted from Tyke, the two above I would be cautious of is using Big Bud and PK together (they are somewhat similar) and you really do not care about the height of your plants anymore as you should be trying to fill th screen as much as possible before flowering.

You need to pull those main branches back down under you screen and have them run horizontally across the screen so the new young shoots can grow up into the screen, if scrogging is what your after, otherwise your setup looks good.

Are you keeping watch on your pH?



Lots of info posted from Tyke, the two above I would be cautious of is using Big Bud and PK together (they are somewhat similar) and you really do not care about the height of your plants anymore as you should be trying to fill th screen as much as possible before flowering.

You need to pull those main branches back down under you screen and have them run horizontally across the screen so the new young shoots can grow up into the screen, if scrogging is what your after, otherwise your setup looks good.

Are you keeping watch on your pH?


Hey thanks wasnt sure about pulling them back, so will get on it today

PH wise dont even have a tester, only gone by instructions given blue wand and geting ec correct for feeding

Should I then pull them branches back and fill more screen before I go into 12=12?

What about temps?

How do plants look to you?

Thanks for info


Your first grow, awesome setup, great looking plants good job! In the picture it looks like your temps are running in the 90's thats pretty hot eh?


Your first grow, awesome setup, great looking plants good job! In the picture it looks like your temps are running in the 90's thats pretty hot eh?
Thanks so much this comment just uplifted me

Just pulled biggie branches back and screen is looking good, will post more pics in 7 days to show difference
now temp wise i know I am at the hot end, however I do have very good airflow through the room, what I have decided to do is change two TTs to a RVK 150 for intake, have one oh these for out already works great