Alright, to bring some people up to speed. On Saturday I had to make an emergency trip to the place where my babies were. People were going to be in the vicinity of my plants and I needed to make everything seem normal asap. I really never had to do much to hide the smell of my plants up till this point because I have lavender growing in there and it's in a remote, secured part of the house. Anyways, when I got there, ugh.. found the lights on my precious flowering Kiki... toasting her lovely buds... =( Yeah it sucks, but whatever. Shyt happens. This is a personal grow, and god knows there's enough on her for my personal.. LOL.. so no biggie. Completely toasted a whole cola (the top 4 inches of it), it was so crispy from the lights on it that the stem of it snapped! LOL.. also burned the one side of another cola and a little bit of another- the rest of the damage pretty much was leaves... ughhhh... I so hate not having my plants near me!! Anyways.. there were 9 main colas- now there are 8... =( LOL.. only 8 main colas...

Also gave Kiki a nice nuting.
The clones had also grown into the lights, Sat. I did some LST to Chloe, Medusa, and Manwich. Since I'm not able to see the plants for 3 days at a time I can't keep the lights as close to the plants as I'd like because they'd just grow up into the lights and get burned before I saw them.. I'm still trying to find a strategy to cope with my absence..
Now the update from today. =)
Kiki looked great, the lights didn't move!! <doing the happy dance>

The lights were still just as close to the buds as I had left them.. WOW. The scent of that girl is just amazing... holy shyt! The density and amount of the buds on her jus amaze me... I hate seeing the devastation from the burnt bud.. and all the burnt leaves.. but, well.. Kiki has been a survivor from the beginning...and she just keeps fighting on. She's really taken a beating her whole life from me tripping along my first grow-- but I can say, LOL, I've learned my lesson on most of these problems- it can only go up from here.... =) Most of my problems throughout this whole grow have been unrelated to me-- and usually had to do with lights falling

LOL... Ah.. Kiki, you truly inspire me...
Number of days in flowering: 35
The clones are also doing very well.. they of course grew into the lights.. again..

But a lot lot less. I Lst'd them some more today and am hoping for the best. =) They were all watered as well (no nutes) I know they've got a little excess of nitrogen.. accident in the feeding records..
Age of clones: 48 days
Order of the clones in the pix...
Manwich... I can't believe she was the runt... =) The light have kinda pruned the top of manwich.. I'm guessing she's going to react as if she was topped.
Chloe... she just insists on wanting to be MASSIVE.. lol.. trying to tame this beauty..she's def. the one being lst the most..
Loni... She seems so confused.. but she's got her own personality and she's just too cute...
Medusa... Love her, not too big, not small, just right. =)