My very first grow/CFL grow

Hey everyone quick update. My plants looked good when I woke up this morning. The sick one looks the same if not a little better. It got down to 70f lastnight in my grow room and 70% humidity. Overall they look good and are still growing very well. Does anyone have any idea when I should start to feed them nutes. Im about 2 1/2 weeks into it now.
Ok yea I went to like Home Depot lookin for that and everyone said that they didnt have it. So where could i pick some mylar up at.
Well everything looks pretty good. The so called sick one looks pretty good. There is a new set of leafs coming in and they look great. Ill take pics of them all late tonight and post them up. I would still like to know if anyone knows of when i should start feeding them nutes and/or ferts. Thanks peace
you can get a cheap mylar replacement from pretty much anywhere that sells gift wrap, just look on the other side of it from the design, and its nice and shiny:mrgreen:
Alright thanks dude ill have to check that out. So a little update, I got some more lights. I have a total of 7 lights. Ive got 5 6500k 1600 lumens 26 watts CFL"S. Ive also got 2 2700k 2700 lumens 42 watts CFL's. Grand total of 13400 lumens at 214 watts.:mrgreen: I hope this will be enough for now (im sure ill add more in a couple of weeks). I also bought some MiracleGro Ferts that is 24-8-16 im just using like maybe half dose right now. Ok time for pics

The lights

My best plant


My second best


Nice side shot of all 3

My nutes

Hey everyone,

Just a little update. Everything looks good in the grow room today. I think the plants love the new lights. I forgot to add that I got a Moisture Meter from wal-mart for 5 bucks. Anyways everything is going great and I cant wait til they start to bud whenever that will be.
What up everyone,

Everything seems to be going real good. The plants are growing nicely now. Ive taken high res pics that will be posted. All of the plants are getting their 3rd and 4th set of leaves. There are a few spots that are a little discolored but they are very small execpt for the one that was sick. The sick one looks good its growing new sets of leaves that look great. My best is growing its 4th set of leaves. One of them kinda smells like bud. I guess thats about it here are the pics. Enjoy!!

My Grow Room

My Best

Second best

The "sick" one

I think you should move the lights even a bit closer to the top of the plants than they are now.
Maybe 2-4 inches max from the top of the plants to the bottom of the lights.
With CFLs a good rule of thumb is if you can put your hand between the light and your plant and your hand doesn't get burned then you're fine.
Trust me dude they are already 2-3 inchs from the tops of the plants. Yes I have measured to see also. Thanks though
Trust me dude they are already 2-3 inchs from the tops of the plants. Yes I have measured to see also. Thanks though

...Judging from this image, they look about a 5-6 inches away from the tops of the plants. Have you moved them down since then? You can tell that they are too far away because your plants are stretching so much. Just look at the plant on the far left of the picture. The plants look good, I'm just lookin' out for ya. :roll:

Yea that one stretched more then any of them. When I first started I didnt have near enough light. I had like 1 18"inch flor and that was like it. So it did stretch alot (I call it the retard). Anyways its my first so its all trail and error right now. Trust me though they are only 2-3 inchs away from the plant.
its looking really nice.. did u consider hanging a piece of reflector behind and above it? it would increase your light. good luck with this
Got any wind blowing on them? The stems will really appreciate some air flow.

And I agree with the other guys; you should go to a store that carries wrapping paper and find mylar wrapping paper. It's very cheap and very reflective.
Perhaps you could find a cardboard box and fashion it around your grow area. Put some holes up top for the lights to come in and line the inside with the mylar wrap I mentioned.
Yea I have a fan its on the left side. The plants are on the right side. Yea I want mylar just cant find it. Im still trying to figure out what I wanna do in my grow room. Lastnight my plants looked like they were depressed. Every leaf on every plant was saggin. I think it was cause I had watered them and they got to heavy. They look beter now though. Thanks for the help guys.

Here is a pic of my best plant lastnight