Just finished a batch of iso. It wasn't that tough, but it is quite a bit harder than it looks. I used a regular paper coffee filter so I had to wait forever for the solution to filter through. I thought I could just stand there with a filter on top of a metal screen strainer, and hold it above the evaporation pan as I poured the solution. Bad idea. I got impatient and ended up overflowing the filter, getting plant scraps all inside the pan. As a result, the original plant matter had to sit in the iso for much longer than anticipated while I scrambled to find a glass jar to re-filter the solution.
In a nutshell, the simplest way to make iso hash without special equipment is to use a glass jar when originally filtering the solution. Just put the filter/strainer on the top of whatever jar it fits snugly into, and pour away. When all the liquid is filtered, pour it onto the evaporation dish.
The "hash" is now dry, so I went ahead and sampled a little. It's black, and tastes like concentrated fan leaf ass, but it's potent as fuck. A tiny ball like 3mm wide was as strong as the sour diesel based hash (actual hash) I had a week ago. I think I actually had some sort of iso type "hash" last summer; it looked and tasted very, very similar but was not as potent for some reason.
Later tonight I will scrape the rest of it and report on the weight. I dunno how much source material went into it, maybe a little under an oz.
EDIT: That plant section in the first pic had twice as many buds before I took the pic. I took off any material that was too leafy or had pollen sacks and used it in the hash. There were lots of nice sugar leaves in that trim too.. mmmm