My UK Tapwater EC is 0.8 Which Seems Very Hard. What does this Mean?


My UK tapwater EC is 0.8 which seems very hard. What does this mean?

Do i just ignore this and start my EC count from 0.8 all the way up to 2.8 if I want to keep my plants ec below 2.0?

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Don't ignore it you start at 0.8 and a e.c. of 2.8 is very high and probably burn your plants the max i go to is e.c 2.2


What is in the 0.8 ec that is present?

If I max out at 2.2 then im maxing my ec to 1.4 if I had started with RO water, right???

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Sounds about right i use canna nutes and on there chart for how much nutes you add they say the max to go to is 2.2,my tap water is hard as well 0.7 e.c i let it sit for a day or 2 because i read somewhere it lets out the chlorine and other stuff you don't want in there


Ok I wont go over 2.2 in that case. Thanks for that.
I wont be able to sit my water for a day or 2 so will have to roll with the base ec as it is.

I am using advanced nutrients grandmaster package. I was going to run 50% strength for every product and hope to stay below ec of 2.2