My Top 69 Auto Flower plant is 17 inches tall and 1 month old today...and no buds.


It smells nice and sweet and is growing great but under my 150 watt hps its just not flowering yet.Any ideas.

These were taken on January 29,2011022.jpg 018.jpg


jus give it alil time most autos take 60 to 75 day to finsh so jus wait... did they show their sex yet if not u still got alil time


Active Member
At one month old it definitely should have shown sex by now but sometimes they are late. It will probably take an extra 10 days or so to harvest but it should still turn soon and start flowering. What light cycle is it on?



its on 24/0 with only osmocote plant food during veg. Its 20 inches tall!?! I used my arm as comparison. the last picture is a bag seed thats twice its age


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, most AF genetics at this time are not stable. After 2.5 months with no signs, I flipped to 12/12 a week ago. They are finally beginning to show pistils. hth

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
looking good thats annoying it hasint showed sex

iv grown 7 autos only one for me didint autoflower it was lowlife autowhitewidow it grew 3 foot in a 3 litre pot now shes outdoor and 7 foot high xD

goodluck bro